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我想闯荡。I do want.

我只要我和你。I want us.

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我只要虫子!I want bugs!

我想要寿司。I want sushi.

我们想要工作。We want jobs.

我要明美。I want Minmei.

我想退货。I want retune.

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我回了都看不到啊…I want to see!

我要一个溜溜球。I want a yo-yo.

我要的是正义。I want justice.

我们到底需要谁?Who do we want?

我只想要一只。I only want one.

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我希望他在这里。I want him here.

我要我的妈妈!I want my mommy!

想骂谁就骂谁。Swear if I want.

想要更轻吗?Want it lighter?

你需要戴上我的帽子吗?。You want my hat?

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你想要金子吗?Do you want gold?

我想要支新钢笔。I want a new pen.

我想要一把尺。子。I want a rul. er.