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关于特许人的效益。On the benefits to the Franchisor.

特许经营权授权方是否提供融资?。Does the franchisor offer any form of financing?

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这样的协议经常是保护授权人的品牌。Such rights usually protect the brand of the franchisor.

上海创艺宝贝将给予加盟者甚么样的长期支持?What kind of on-going supports will the franchisor provide?

货色由特许运营商自提自运,一切费用由特许运营商承当。By the franchisor from goods shipped by the franchisor, all expenses.

你知道特许经营权授权方是否与政府有纠纷吗?。Do you know of any disputes between the franchisor and the government?

非常正确。特许经营者应该提供经营业务的指导。It's quite true, the franchisor should provide guidance in running the business.

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一些经纪人实际上是由特许权授予者来支付工资,从而按照他们的方式操纵生意的。Some brokers are actually paid by the franchisor to steer business in their direction.

不过这还好,你可以成为特许经销商,然后开设一家成功的公司。Better yet, you could come up with the new successful business and become the franchisor.

我愿意遵守特许经营商的限制,放弃经营销售新产品或概念。I am willing to forgo sales on new ideas and products because of franchisor restrictions.

特许经营权授权方规定了哪些地域限制和保护办法?。What types of territorial restrictions and protections have been set up by the franchisor?

特许经营店开业后,特许经营权授权方会提供怎样的支持?。What types of support will the franchisor provide once your franchise has opened its doors?

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如果授权人没有给你让你自己经营单独的地域,那么你就没有得到公平的对待。If the franchisor isn't giving you some territory to yourself, you're not getting a fair deal.

它体现的是特许人在受许人日常经营中拥有的权益。It reflects a certain equity owned by the franchisor from the daily operation of the franchisee.

第一,由特许人与受许人组成的特许经营体系是具有自组织性的共生系统。First, the franchising system composed with franchisor and franchisee is a self-organization system.

特许经营权授权方是否打算在你所在州进行扩张?他们是否会重点关注某一具体地区?。Is the franchisor planning on expanding within your state? Are they focusing on any specific locations?

事实上,即使汉普顿酒店早在1984年就已经开始进行特许经营了,但它仍然是榜单前十名中最年轻的特许经营授权方。In fact, even though Hampton has been franchising since 1984, it's the youngest franchisor in the top 10.

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意美公司实施款到发货,即特许运营商所需产物全数金钱抵达意美公司账户后开单发货。The beauty of photo, namely a franchisor full payment for the beauty products arrive after delivery sheet.

更快的增长——通过利用特许经销商的时间和努力,特许经营权授权方可以实现更快增长。Faster Growth – By leveraging off the time and efforts of its franchisees, a franchisor can grow much faster.

特许人不得假借特许经营的名义,非法从事传销活动。A franchisor must not falsely borrow the name of Franchising and illegally engage in direct selling activities.