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黎明时我来见你。I'll meet you at sunup.

星图上给大家展示的时间约为日出前一个小时的东方天际。Our sky chart shows the eastern sky for about one hour before sunup.

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如果您正在寻求一个真正可靠的合作伙伴,请不要再观望。If you are seeking a truly reliable event partner, look no further than SUNUP.

但是在佛罗里达,从日出到日落,天空永远是晴朗的。热带风是那样的温暖。The sky would be clear from sunup to sundown in Florida. The winds would be warm and tropical.

在地球的天空中,它位置于太阳的对面,因此,这遥远的世界将从今晚日落到日出之间出现。This places Uranus opposite the sun in Earth's sky, and so this distant world will be out from sundown to sunup tonight.

库蚊通常于黎明和黄昏时分出现,并通过叮咬来传播西尼罗热病毒,这就是为什么这段时间是一天中最为危险的时候。The Culex mosquitoes that usually spread West Nile tend to bite at sunup and sundown, which is why risk is heightened at those times of day.

2009年11月某一天的拂晓时分,在德克萨斯州加纳州立公园里,弗里奥河两岸的水松鲜橙的树叶引起了我的注意。The reflection of burnt orange foliage of bald cypress trees along the Frio River in Texas' Garner State Park caught my attention at sunup in November 2009.

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深圳市上图下文设计机构展示事业部,是集设计和施工为一体的专业展览部门。The exhibition enterprise-department of SHENZHEN SUNUP DESIGNS ORGANIZATION . It is include the design and the construction of the professional exhibition department.

美国阿莫斯特麻省州立大学的天文学教授朱迪斯·扬提到,大多数人永远不会与秋分日这一天看到整十二个小时的白昼和黑夜。Most people will never see the full 12 hours of sunup and sundown on the autumnal equinox, noted Judith Young, a professor of astronomy at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.

从地球天空上看去天王星和太阳遥遥相望,因此这个遥远的星球将在日落和明天日出现在地球的天空上,子夜时分,天王星攀岩到地球天空最高点。Central Daylight Time. This places Uranus opposite the sun in Earth's sky, and so this distant world will be out from sundown to sunup tonight. It will be highest in the sky at midnight.