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午餐是我付的账。I bought the lunch.

我们把它带回家。We bought him home.

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我买笑话书。I bought funny books.

我买了一打鸡蛋。I bought a dozen eggs.

这是我赊帐买的。I bought it on credit.

我为自己买了一辆汽车。I bought myself a car.

我买了防晒霜。I ve bought sun cream.

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然后,她买了假发。Then she bought a wig.

Carville买了一套衣服。Carville bought a suit.

他买了一个蓝球。He bought a basketball.

我买了一个笔盒。I bought a pencil-case.

你买了艘船?You have bought a ship.

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买一只歪歪扭扭的猫儿。He bought a crooked cat.

他给她买了一顶新帽子。He bought her a new hat.

我从死神那里买的。I bought it from Azrael.

我应该把它买下来的。I should have bought it.

那位农民买了头雌鹿。The farmer bought a doe.

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买了一个叫艾萨克的男孩Bought a boy named Isaac.

他买了一根钓鱼线。He bought a fishing line.

他买了几条活鱼?。He bought some live fish.