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任意的、随便的方法是不行的。No haphazard hit-or-miss methods will do.

采用测试策略和标准非常随意。Adoption test strategies and standards are haphazard.

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我们的一些梦是杂乱无章的。Some of our dreams may be a haphazard mishmash of thoughts.

防止盲目投资和重复建设。We will prevent haphazard investment and redundant construction.

怎样才能从一个偶然的设计混子成为游刃有余的设计机器呢?How do you go from haphazard doodler to a well-oiled design machine?

这个镇上的随便哪条街道都有一个经济目标。Every haphazard street in this town seems to have an economic purpose.

如果认为今天衡平法是件危险的东西,那就错了。It would be a mistake to regard equity today as being anything haphazard.

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天花板、墙壁上杂乱无章地贴着银色和金色的鱼形花纸。Fishes of silver and gold paper had been pasted haphazard on ceiling and walls.

没有计划的工作产生没有质量保证的产品,可能导致失去一个重要的机遇。A great opportunity can be lost if haphazard efforts lead to undependable results.

淹没在熊猫海里的断树杆顶上帽子似的长满了耐寒植物。A haphazard flourish of hardy plants caps a broken tree trunk submerged in Panda Lake.

无线连接总是乱七八糟而且经常不稳定地断开连接,尤其是在长时间下载文件的时候。It has always been haphazard and tended to drop, especially during extended downloads.

但是当他对这个巨大的任务感到失望时,他的搜寻很快变得更加杂乱。But soon his search becomes more haphazard as he despairs at the magnitude of the task.

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我跟她都想不到,一次偶然的碰撞,其实是另一段感情的开始。Neither she nor I could bethink that this haphazard collision will lead to another relationship.

我发现要做到完全搭配非常困难,所以干脆采取更加随意的方式。I find it difficult to do “matchy matchy,” so I like things to sit together in a kind of haphazard manner.

多年来,很多庞杂的种子库网络一直以随意的方式收集种子和苗芽。For years, a hodgepodge network of seed banks has been amassing seed and shoot collections in a haphazard manner.

通过点击上面的图片,请参阅可怕的聚集做工杂乱无章其完整的高清晰度的荣耀。See the horrid conglomeration of haphazard workmanship in its full high-res glory by clicking on the image above.

是以,我们避免采纳曩昔那种打算不周的权宜体例释放在押人员。That is why we are doing away with the poorly planned, haphazard approach that let those detainees go in the past.

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诺基亚研发测试新款的手机的进程曾一度像国家机密一样严格保密,但结果却参差不齐。But the process of developing and testing new phone models was once like a state secret, and the results haphazard.

因此,我们避免采取过去那种计划不周的权宜方式释放在押人员。That is why we are doing away with the poorly planned, haphazard approach that let those detainees go in the past.

我很随意地对着自己大声练习重复词汇和短语,我不担心发音。I practice repeating words and phrases out loud to myself, in a haphazard manner. I don't worry about pronunciation.