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你们的护照满期了。Your passports expire.

就让我在你怀里气绝吧!Let me expire in your arms!

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这份合同快过保险期了。The contract will soon expire.

这些合约很快就要满期。The contracts will expire soon.

我也要呼唤,喊得我要气绝的名字啊!I will call your name till I expire.

我的月票到这周为止。My season ticket will expire this week.

所以,如果这些过期了,不继续了,So, if those expire and are not continued,

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我们希望能让签名过期。We wanted the ability to expire signatures.

不要购买还有2-3天就将过期的牛奶。Don\\\'t buy milk if it will expire in 2-3 days.

熔断体必须是永久的,积极,永不过期。Links must be permanent, active and NEVER expire.

不过,这些合同大部分在本月到期。However, most of these contracts expire this month.

我看见好几代蜉蝣出生、长大,最后又死去。I have seen generations born, flourish, and expire.

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如果记忆是一罐罐头的话,我希望这罐罐头不会过期!If memory can be canned, I hope it'll never expire.

克林顿议员和奥巴马议员想要废除这种政策。Sens. Clinton and Obama plan to allow them to expire.

法国公司的特许权将于1904年满期。The French company's concession would expire in 1904.

救生筏的检验证书将在下月15日到期。The liferaftcertificate will expire on 15th next month.

当前的v.6版本会在2011年3月31日过期。The current version, v.6, will expire on May 31st, 2011.

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如果他就这么拿枪崩了我,我也会在嘴唇上带着祝福咽气的。If he shot me so, I'd expire with a blessing on my lips.'

产卵之后,大马哈鱼很快也就寿终正寝了。Soon after spawning, the adult Pacific salmon will expire.

所有中期国库券的利息每年按票面金额支付两次。All Notes pay interest twice a year, and expire at par value.