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它绕着罐子游来游去。He swims around his jar.

那口酱缸又会有什么反应?How will the jar respond?

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这个罐子能盛一千克。The jar will hold a kilo.

拿盖儿把这个罐子盖紧。Fasten the lid on the jar.

我把广口瓶里装满水。I fill the jar with water.

这只灰色无釉的坛子。The jar was gray and bare.

吃从罐里捞出的泡菜。Eat pickles out of the jar.

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曲奇饼干的罐子有多满?How full is the cookie jar?

我把广口瓶倒置。I turn the jar upside down.

那个盖子是配这个坛子的。That lid belongs to the jar.

这个罐子得封严实了。The jar must be well sealed.

布赖恩把水灌到罐子里。Brian puts water into the jar.

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他旋掉了坛子上的盖儿。He screwed the lid on the jar.

他拧开了芥子酱的瓶盖。He unscrewed a jar of mustard.

在密封罐服务勺子。Serving scoop enclosed in jar.

那个盖是配这个瓶的。That cover belongs to this jar.

这是那个坛子的盖子。This cover belongs to that jar.

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果酱罐子的盖儿在哪儿?Where's the top of the jam jar?

我需要一个坛子做泡菜。I need a jar to make the krauts.

我想要一罐橘子酱。I would like a jar of marmalade.