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女人不抹胭脂自带彩。Women wore Rouge with color.

两个都是狂暴欺人的国家。Both are rouge and bully nations.

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红色高棉领导人波尔布特1998年去世。Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot died in 1998.

待坐亭台,静赏胭脂水色。To sit pavilions, enjoy the Rouge color.

但相对不能运用深颜色的胭脂。But the relative can not use dark color rouge.

一看到警察来,那个恶棍就逃跑了。Seeing the police come, that rouge knotted it.

她说她要留在巴吞鲁日工作。She said she had to stay in Baton Rouge and work.

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她回来时,两边面颊上涂有一点淡淡的胭脂。She returned wearing a dab of rouge on each cheekbone.

巴吞鲁日在动物园被更新的过程。The Baton Rouge Zoo is in the process of being updated.

是谁,在凝眸处醉舞胭脂泪裳?BE who, inebriate the dance rouge tears clothes in the ?

克拉伦斯的巴吞鲁日的凯郡和齐德科电台节目。Clarence in Baton Rouge Cajun and radio programs Zydeco.

她往脸上搽了粉,抹了口红和胭脂。She powdered her face and applied her lipstick and rouge.

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一名红色高棉战士在丛林中持枪摆好姿势。A Khmer Rouge soldier poses with her weapon in the jungle.

草酸溶液用于最差的生锈情况。Oxalic acid solutions are used for the worst cases of rouge.

昨天买了一盒胭脂红的颜料,还挺贵的。I bought a box of rouge yesterday, which was quite expensive.

多涂点口红,你要打扮得符合自己的角色。And put on plenty of rouge , I want you to look your part tonight.

我提出回家巴吞鲁日,并继续工作在印艺。I moved home to Baton Rouge and continued working in graphic arts.

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棠梨叶落胭脂色,荠麦花开白雪香“,让我们体味斑澜。" rouge color, flowers snow Mosla Michael Shannon, " Let us savor.

我开始在巴吞鲁日的路易斯安那州立大学,但现在我在联合国办事处在新奥尔良。I started at LSU in Baton Rouge but, now I'm at UNO in New Orleans.

农谢是迄今为止第二个在法庭上露面的前红色高棉领导人。He is the second former Khmer Rouge leader to appear in court so far.