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一种新型的标志学正在形成。Here a new style of heraldry seems to be developing.

纹章学或盾徽的有关纹章学或盾徽的。Heraldry of or relating to heraldry or heraldic arms.

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设计师为公司的上层提供未来可能的发展情况。Designer provides the heraldry for the corporate baronage.

寄来的信件上印有纹章,不过那是英格兰家系上所没有记载的。Letters came, with armorial seals upon them, though of bearings unknown to English heraldry.

当然这个时期包括有名的城堡,盔甲,多彩的旗帜,纹章。The period is of course renowned for huge castles , lots of armour, colourful flags and heraldry.

日尔曼人还知道“梅尔露辛”是条双尾美人鱼,而英国的纹章上也有双尾美人鱼。The Germans also knew the Melusine as a double-tailed mermaid as did the British heraldry as well.

纹章的规则要求两种颜色中的任何一种不能放在另一种上面,甚至不能互相接触。The rules of heraldry demanded that two colors must never be placed on top of each other, or even touch each other.

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公会的战旗允许会员在战场荣誉的展现公会纹章,给四周的盟友额外的好处。Guild Standards allow Guild members to proudly display their Guild heraldry in battle, giving bonuses to nearby allies.

日本绳文时代出土的陶器上就有纹样出现,随着宫廷贵族和武士的大量使用,纹样渐变为家徽并传承至今。With the wide use of heraldries by the royal peers and warriors, heraldries gradually became the family heraldry till now.

菊花是日本皇室家族的纹章,刀是日本武士文化的象征。The chrysanthemum is in the heraldry of the Japanese imperial family, and the sword is a symbol of Japanese warrior culture.

纹章也是经常使用的主题,自诺曼征服以来,黑色、白色、红色和金色的雄狮便是英国皇家陆军的军服的一部分。Heraldry has been a recurrent theme, the Black, White, Red and Golden Lions have formed part of the royal coat of arms since the time of the Norman Conquest.

在消费主义的影响下,研讨会被去神圣化,消费主义影响下的“小世界”充斥着金钱、名利为主导的社会意识形态和符号象征意义。Under the influence of , Seminar is secularizing, consumerism affects "small world" which is full of money and fame that lead social ideology and symbolisms of heraldry.