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这是他们宗教的基本原则。It is a basic tenet of their religion.

地势坤,君子以厚德载物“。Terrain-kun, the gentleman should tenet"."

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你,没有任何的宗旨,没有任何人性。You, have no any tenet , have no any humanness.

坚持品质第一是本店的服务宗旨。Quality first is the service tenet of our store.

以行业“四不、四满意”为服务宗旨。An industry, "4 No, 4 satisfied" as service tenet.

公司的宗旨是“宁失千金,不失一信。”This company sticks in the tenet of Honesty First.

朴素,雅致,功能是我们的信条。Simplicity, tastefulness, and usefulness are our tenet.

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意识到这种深厚联系是拉科塔宗教的主旨。Just seeing that deep connection is a major tenet of that.

窜改过去是英社的中心原则。The mutability of the past is the central tenet of Ingsoc.

这是高级控制环境的基本原则。This is a fundamental tenet of highly controlled environments.

“立刻给我做一下简述”特立镇定地对着电话说到。"Give me the quick summary, " Tenet said calmly into the phone.

“质量至上,信誉至上”是我们公司宗旨。"First quality, paramount credit standing"is our companys tenet.

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长久以来政府政策的公开教条“面向东方”,算是白讲了。“Look East”, long an avowed tenet of government policy, is in vogue.

论文首先阐述了FC-TCR型SVC补偿无功功率的基本原理。The basic tenet of SVC of the type FC-TCR was expounded first of all.

“一流的品质,一流的服务”是齐天人坚持的宗旨。The best quality, The best service, is the tenet persevering by Qtopeses.

“任何行动皆源于明确的目标”,这是管理的基本宗旨。“All performance starts with clear goals” is a basic tenet of management.

“尚简为美真诚致远”是我们的宗旨。"Adovocate the simplenesss beauty, sincerity goes a long way"is our tenet.

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“严格把关,以质为本,创优服务”是本公司发展的格言。"Quality First & Service Excellent" is the companys tenet for development.

精心设计、用心施工、热忱服务是我们的工作宗旨。Aborative design, canny construction and cordial service are our job tenet.

文博会馆的宗旨也是为广大收藏者而倡建的。The tenet of superiority for broad hall is built and promoted the collectors.