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俄国人必须拥有黑龙江。Russians just had to have the Amur.

不久,俄国人有了“黑龙江计划”的第二个理由。Soon another argument was being made for the Amur.

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俄罗斯阿穆尔州与中国毗邻地区的发展状况。Russia's Amur region and China's development adjacent.

外来物种包括日本紫菀和灌木忍冬。Newcomers include Japanese knotweed and Amur bush honeysuckle.

一对叽喳乱叫的阿穆尔隼鹰在陡台的一棵橡树上面搭建了自己的巢。A pair of noisy Amur falcons nests in an oak on the escarpment.

从这里眺望阿穆尔河和俄罗斯,映入眼帘的是一幕惊人的景象。From here, there is a stunning view of the Amur river and Russia.

俄罗斯人太想要黑龙江了,他们在1854年开始伸出了抢夺的手。Russians just had to have the Amur. They launched a grab in 1854.

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人们通常来到这里,沐浴在阿穆尔海湾清澈的海水中。People usually come here to bathe in clean waters of the Amur Bay.

这只雌性远东豹幼崽出生在德国莱比锡的一所动物园中。This female Amur leopard cub was born at a zoo in Leipzig, Germany.

阿穆尔豹是世界上最濒危的几种动物之一。The Amur leopard is one of the most endangered animals in the world.

12月时,波亚尔科夫就已经越过了斯塔诺夫山脉到达了黑龙江流域。By December Poyarkov had crossed the Stanovoi Range to the Amur watershed.

远东豹就住在这个多数动物赖以维生的急流之地。On this fast-flowing source of life for many animals lives the Amur leopard.

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对荻采用自催化乙醇法制浆的反应历程进行了研究。The auto catalytic reaction of amur silver grass ethanol pulping was studied.

据洛杉矶时报报道,俄罗斯现存野生阿穆尔豹不超过40只。According to the Los Angeles Times, fewer than 40 Amur leopards exist in the wild in Russia.

渡过阿穆尔河,要夺去俄罗斯的原材料和女人…The Chinese are said to be swarming across the Amur river to carry off raw materials and women.

阿穆尔豹因为栖息地减少以及偷猎皮毛加工皮衣成为极度濒危物种。The Amur leopard is critically endangered due to habitat loss and poaching for its spotted coat.

中俄双方同意在2016年前在阿穆尔河上建立首条跨境铁路桥。Russia and China have agreed to build the firstcross-border rail bridge over the Amur Riverby 2016.

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在东北虎的产仔行为中,躺卧行为和亲仔行为是雌虎产仔行为的两大组成部分。The data showed bedding and cub-canoodling behaviors were the major of Amur tiger reproductive activities.

河上随处可见乘坐快艇的中国渔民搜寻阿穆尔鲟鱼的身影,这种鱼身躯巨大,但却极难捕获。Out on the river, Chinese fishermen zip around in speedboats, looking for the giant but elusive Amur sturgeon.

对于华南虎、马来亚虎、印支虎以及苏门答腊虎来说,最大的威胁就是非法狩猎。As with the South China, Malayan, Indochinese and Sumatran tigers, the main threat to the Amur tiger is poaching.