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它是违法的It's illegal.

这回扣是非法的。This kickback is illegal.

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首先这是违法的First of all it's illegal.

法律规避是一种违法行为。Law evasion is an illegal act.

是的,该党现在是非法的了。Yes, the party is now illegal.

他们喝酒是不合法的。It's illegal for them to drink.

诱拐儿童是非法的。It's illegal to abduct children.

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ON公司竞标Endesa所施加的阻碍是违法的。ON's bid for Endesa are illegal.

在钞票上乱涂乱画是违法的。It's illegal to deface banknotes.

然而诈骗和伪造是违法的。But fraud and forgery are illegal.

他的有些工作是非法的。That some of his work was illegal.

安利是一个非法传销。Amway is an illegal pyramid scheme.

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人造奶油一度是违法的。At one time, margarine was illegal.

在拳击比赛中用头撞人是犯规的。Head- butting is illegal in boxing.

马修是非法的外来动物。Marcel is an illegal exotic animal.

侵入他人地界偷猎是非法的。Poaching on other's land is illegal.

裁判员判定该进球无效。The referee called the goal illegal.

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谁是非法枪枝经销商呢?And who are these illegal gun dealers?

另一个问题是非法移民。Another issue was illegal immigration.

披露这些信息当然是违法的。Divulging them is, of course, illegal.