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首先创建一个可以选择作者的下拉菜单。You can start with a pulldown menu of authors.

作者下拉列表稍微复杂一些。The author pulldown is a little bit more complicated.

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类别下拉列表也添加了相同的代码。The same code has been added for the category pulldown.

隔行提供更聪明的工作方案和隔行握拉。Provides smarter deinterlacing and more workflow options for interlacing and pulldown.

在这一划水阶段都要确定你的头部稳定不变向前滑行。Make sure you keep your head stable and heading forward through this part of the pulldown.

比如说,本例中的表单包含了一个下拉菜单,它列出了可用的搜索引擎。For example, this form will include a pulldown menu that lists the available search engines.

为了使AES公司的企业安全,选择的AES-CCMP数据加密中的下拉菜单。To enable AES for Enterprise Security, select AES-CCMP in the Data Encryption pulldown menu.

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蹬壁出发后,保持头部跟身体一条直线,手臂紧贴身体两侧,脚尖绷直。After your breaststroke pulldown , keep your head in line, your arms next to your sides, and your toes pointed.

滑架的垂直移动是由一个下拉齿轮箱提供的,该下拉齿轮箱则通过两个小齿轮连接到支架上的齿条上。Vertical motion of the carriage is provided by a pulldown gear case coupled by two pinions to racks on the mast.

清注意,部门信息已经作为下拉菜单添加了,因此只能添加已存在的部门。Notice that the department information has been added as a pulldown menu so that only existing departments can be added.

它有一个可以点击的交互界面,能够使用下拉菜单来选择所需要执行的命令。SPSS has a "point and click" interface that allows you to use pulldown menus to select commands that you wish to perform.

要找出到达网页正在使用此关键字,我们会选择到达网页的尺寸从下拉菜单。To find out which landing page is being used for this keyword, we'll select Landing Page from the Dimension pulldown menu.

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蹬壁使身体呈完美的流线型,然后开始水下蛙泳,但不要向平时那样先做下划动作。Push off the wall in perfect streamline. Then begin swimming underwater breaststroke, without doing the usual pulldown stroke first.

因此,举例来说,如果你想看的交通在您的关键字的报告打破了城市,你只要选择市从下拉菜单中。So, for example, if you want to see the traffic in your keywords report broken out by City, you just select City from the pulldown menu.

中文界面、窗口显示、下拉菜单、在线帮助及鼠标驱动等功能使操作更加方便。The functions of Chinese interface, window display pulldown menu, on-line help and mouse-driving make the system more convenient to operate.

本文以一个获奖的多媒体课件为例,介绍了框架结构、折叠式菜单、背景声乐的制作过程。This paper discusses the making process of trellis architecture, pulldown menu and background music with a prize-winning multimedia courseware as an example.

如将其值的一半接到5V电源做上拉电阻,将另外的一半拉接到地做下拉电阻,则各个节点的两边偏置电阻最大总共为685Ω。Placing half of this value as a pullup to 5V and half as a pulldown to ground gives a maximum bias resistor value of 685Ω for each of the two biasing resistors.

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如果源的pulldown做的不规范,忽视旗标可能会造成严重的声像不同步。If the pulldown is irregular, use of this option will cause the audio-video sync to change at different parts of the clip, and most likely sync will not be acceptable.

微处理器管脚用下拉电阻R1与地相连,阻抗典型为几百千欧,在管脚上呈现出高阻状态。The microcontroller's pin connects to ground using pulldown resistor R1 with resistance, typically, of a few hundred kilohms to impress the high-impedance state on the pin.

如果不想搞砸后面的蛙手恢复动作,你就要在完成划水和海豚腿后尽可能地通过保持绷紧来获得所有的冲力。Before you get to the bad part of the recovery, you still have to milk all that momentum by staying as tight as possible after you've finished your pulldown and dolphin kick.