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他会很高兴地接受一份微薄的奖金。He'll be happy to get a paltry bonus.

我怀疑罚款额太低也是一个原因。I suspect paltry pay was a big factor too.

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而五个人中仅有一个曾经写过情诗。A paltry one in five had written a love poem.

我也学到了怎么做枣泥酥。I also learned how to make a red date paltry.

你怎么能故意编造出这么卑鄙的谎话?。How can you deliberately get up such paltry falsehoods?

这里,我甚至没有谈到被称之为子孙后代的那种小小的永恒。I am not even speaking here of that paltry eternity that is called posterity.

她曾在一家有声誉的百货商店当推销员,领微薄的薪水。She was earning a paltry salary as a merchandiser in a renowned departmental store.

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你可转错了念头啦,你以为这样卑鄙地攻击人家一下,就影响了我对人家的看法吗?You are much mistaken if you expect to influence me by such a paltry attack as this.

德国对欧元危机的反应是多么肤浅、吝啬、卑鄙啊!How shallow, paltry and mean-spirited has this German reaction to the euro crisis been!

这些细微却紧要的财产,这些与之关联的真实,才是唯一让我激动之物。These paltry and essential belongings, these relative truths are the only ones to stir me.

他们提出抗议,先是被无视或拘捕,后得到少得可怜的补偿。When they protested, they were at first ignored or arrested, then given paltry compensation.

一切都在坚守那不足道的永恒,而那些曾经爱过我们的心正是这廉价的提供者。And all insist on that paltry eternity provided us cheaply by the hearts of those who loved us.

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把钱存在银行,那点儿利息微不足道而且通货膨胀让资产缩水。Keep the money in the bank and the returns could be paltry and the capital eroded by inflation.

net最大的缺点就是,免费用户的单个文件不能超过10MB。's biggest drawback is its free account's filesize limit, which sits at a rather paltry 10MB.

忘记那些,伟大作家戴的没价值的传统桂冠。Forget the paltry crown of laurel placed atop the heads of great writers in the classical tradition.

除了微不足道的国家最低工资,她们没有自由时间、健康保险、节假日或退休金。They have no free time, health insurance, holidays or pension provision beyond the paltry state minimum.

但网上用户有时并不想为了小钱把东西简单卖掉,而是互相交换物品。But sometimes instead of selling theseitems for paltry amounts of cash, online users barter with each other.

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或者这个月你可能仅需要食用油,或者你的微薄工资能买得起的家制软饮料。Or maybe you just need more cooking oil this month, or a homemade soft drink you can afford on paltry wages.

我都把霜之哀伤刺入我父亲的心脏了,因此这场没什么重要的忠诚和服从的表演是你至少可以做的事情。I drove Frostmourne through my father's heart. This paltry show of faith and obedience is the least you can do.

一定是腾格拉尔先生为能在这笔交易中赚上几千法朗而把它们给卖了。No doubt M. Danglars has sacrificed them to the selfish consideration of gaining some thousands of paltry francs.