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我看到了一个真正需要重新填充这个运动与年轻的人们。I saw a need to really repopulate this movement with the younger folks.

我会说出这个字,只留下一个女人,之后我们重新创造星球。I would say the word and only save 1 women so we could repopulate the planet.

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我们的目标是寻找一种细胞资源,能使角膜基质再生和增殖。We aimed to search for a cell source to repopulate and regenerate corneal stroma.

真正神奇的是,当迷宫重新排列本身更小精灵重新填充点本身。The real magic is when the maze rearranges itself to repopulate itself with more Pac-Dots.

这个修复允许癌细胞在治疗之后返回,重新回到肿瘤中。This repair allows the cancer cells to bounce back after treatment and repopulate the tumour.

卡洛斯马格达莱纳计划把这颗植物注入她的原始的家——卢旺达的温泉中。Carlos Magdalena now plans to repopulate the plant in its native home in the hot springs of Rwanda.

迪斯凯尔相信解决之道可能在于找到一种软化疤痕组织的办法,使心脏细胞能够重新填充创伤。Discher believes the solution may lie in finding a way to soften the scar tissue so that heart cells can repopulate it.

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目前,她正投入于一项保育及重新繁殖阿那加公园稀有植物的计划。She is currently involved in a program aimed to protect and repopulate Anaga Park with flora species currently under threat.

其他所有人都将被留下面临毁灭,而船上的人则会幸存下来繁衍生息,重建文明。Everyone else will be left to perish and the people from the ships will be left to rebuild civilization and repopulate the planet.

某科学研究成果显示,不能怀孕的妇女,可以接受卵巢干细胞注射,使卵巢重新繁殖出鲜活的卵子。Infertile women may one day be given stem cell injections to repopulate their ovaries with fresh eggs, according to a team of scientists.

这些干细胞是毛发生长的根源,而且可以在创伤后修复滤泡和周围的上皮组织。These stem cells are responsible for driving this cycle of growth and can repopulate follicles and surrounding epidermis damaged by wounding.

这样新的造血干细胞可以在缺乏血液系统的小鼠体内繁殖,并且绿色荧光蛋白也使得它们很容易被发现。The new blood stem cells would then entirely repopulate the animal's now-absent hematopoietic system with green- fluorescing cells whose origin could be easily identified.

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本研究的目的是产生一个完整的超结构,并重新填充与内皮细胞在模拟生理条件脱细胞,这些心脏瓣膜的目标。The aim of this study was to generate decellularized heart valves with an intact ultra-structure and to repopulate these with endothelial cells under simulated physiological conditions.