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那船漂离了系船处。The ship slipped its moorings.

船在系留处打转。The vessel swings by her moorings.

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那艘船从停泊的地方开走了。The ship sheered off from her moorings.

那么为什么中国仍然在自己的停泊处?So why are the Chinese still at their moorings?

关于USF架子停泊的更多信息是可利用的。More information about the USF shelf moorings is available.

有人在夜间砍断了泊船的缆绳。During the night, somebody had cut the boat loose from its moorings.

由此,我们就可着手重建资本主义的道德基石。In these ways we can begin to reattach capitalism to its moral moorings.

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一个避风塘,用以提供可容纳不少于30艘船只的碇泊处。A typhoon shelter designed to provide moorings for not less than 30 vessels.

帆船也借巨浪之力,摆脱泊位,撞向码头、桥梁以及其他船只。Sailboats broke free of their moorings and slammed against docks, bridges and other boats.

伟大的船烂掉了在他们的停泊并且他们的旅途纪录被毁坏了。The great ships rotted at their moorings and the records of their journeys were destroyed.

该运动同样也将高等教育传统的教室教学中解放出来。The movement has also helped dislodge higher education from its brick-and-mortar moorings.

这里,我们应该谨慎不要让现代潮流将我们带出伊斯兰的港湾。Here, we ought to be careful that the tide of modernity does not carry us off our Islamic moorings.

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在设计上是为不少于30艘船只提供碇泊处的避风塘的部份挖泥工作。Part of the dredging work for a typhoon shelter designed to provide moorings for not less than 30 vessels.

但是,从性的心理机制去启动,幻术或奥秘被破解的时刻。But, nevertheless, there comes a moment, with the sexual initiation of the mechanism, when the moorings are broken.

不过,不管是何种机制,格陵兰冰原正从岩石上方加速向海面滑动。But by whatever mechanism, the giant Greenland ice sheet was accelerating across its rocky moorings and toward the sea.

除了西北海岸,这里几乎没有大型海滨胜地,只有为数不多的几个码头,几乎没有拥有系泊处的“豪宅”。There are few big coastal resorts except in the north-west, only a handful of marinas and scarcely any “mega-homes” with moorings.

在大堡礁处精选的潜水地有许多固定的私人停泊地,譬如挪曼,萨克圣,哈斯廷等。There are a number of permanent, private moorings at selected dive sites on reefs such as Norman, Saxon, Jorgies, Breaking Patches and Hastings.

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港区内修建大量木质码头及小型泊位,以供所有入港商船下锚停泊。Massive wooden wharves are built out into the bay, with smaller jetties coming off those to provide enough moorings to satisfy virtually all comers.

微中子变成其他粒子,让地球地核温度升高,地壳失去系留作用,开始变弱,四处滑动。Somehow the neutrinos transmute into other particles and heat up the Earth's core. The Earth's crust loses its moorings and begins to weaken and slide around.