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他与其说是个战术家,不如说是个战略家。He is more of a strategist than of a tactician.

中国明代文学家、书画家、军事家。Chinese Ming Dynasty writer, art, military strategist.

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诸葛亮是三国时期一位杰出的政治家、军事家。Zhuge Liang was an outstanding statesman and strategist.

富弼是北宋著名的政治家、军事家、外交家。Abraham Lincoln is not only a statesman, but also a strategist.

赛林达·莱克是民主党民调专家和政治谋士。Celinda Lake is a Democratic pollster and political strategist.

不过你这个牛才子也不能光说不练吧。But the gifted Daniel scholar shouldn't be an armchair strategist.

我和汉城实业家呗丽卡·穆塔夫会面了。Just about every week, I meet with SEO strategist Rebecca Murtagh.

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许多日本人都认为他是中国现有的最有才干的战略家。Many Japanese regarded him as the ablest Chinese strategist alive.

纸上谈兵没用。这绝对是一门令人受益的课程。Being an armchair strategist doesn't work. This is a useful lesson.

曾国藩是中国近代杰出的军事家。Zeng Guofang was an outstanding strategist in China's modern history.

感觉真像跳上了恐慌浪潮,尊敬的首席策略官先生。That feels like jumping on the bandwagon in panic, Mr. Chief Strategist.

投资分析师萨科瓦尔奇克在香港的CFC西摩有限公司。Investment strategist Dariusz Kowalczyk of CFC Seymour, Ltd. in Hong Kong.

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唐太宗是我国历史上著名的政治家、军事家。Tang Taizong was a famous statesman and strategist in the Chinese history.

塞巴斯蒂安·嘉利是法国巴黎银行的高级外汇策略分析师。Sebastien Galy is senior currency strategist for the French bank BNP Paribas.

富弼是北宋著名的政治家、军事家、外交家。FU Bi is a famous statesman, strategist and diplomatist of North Song Dynasty.

孙膑字伯灵,战国时期著名军事家。Sun Bin word burling, the Warring States period, a famous military strategist.

他的教导将把亚历山大培养成军事史上第一位伟大的战略家。His lessons will make Alexander the first great strategist in military history.

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科尔是寻求庇护者资源中心的战略专家。Pamela Curr is a campaign strategist for the Asylum Resource Center in Melbourne.

这时,孙子走了过来,对田忌耳语一番。Sunzi, the best war strategist in Chinese history, came over, whispered in his ear.

“没人有削减政府开支的政治动机,”一位共和党战略家称。"No one has the political incentives to cut government, " says a Republican strategist.