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从马努斯岛处划出小艇。Sea kayakers off Manus Island.

马努在村庄里的出现,却使这次任务流产。But the presence of Manus in the village causes the mission to be scrubbed.

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闪亮旗下马努斯乔伊创作的环保家具一定会动摇你固有的想象。Created by Joe Manus under the brand Shiner modern eco-friendly furniture surely will rock your imagination.

澳大利亚同意关闭设在巴布亚新几内亚北部马努斯岛的寻求避难者拘留中心。Australia has agreed to close its detention center for asylum seekers on Papua New Guinea's northern island of Manus.

目的观察复方乳酸软膏治疗寻常型鱼鳞病和手足皲裂的疗效和安全性。Objective To investigate the efficacy and safety of compound lactic acid ointment in treating ichthyosisvulgais and rhagadia manus et pedis.

亦可广泛应用于前臂、腕、手骨折后,以及各种原因引起的前臂、腕关节、指关节活动功能障碍的恢复。This orthosis could be applied for patients after the operation of antebrachium, wrist and manus to promote the recovery of their functions.

离龙目的其他特徵,包括沉重且骨化的腹膜肋,以及改造过的四肢末端,前肢被当作桨来使用。Other features found in choristoderes include heavily ossified gastralia and modified distal limbs, not just the manus and pes, used as paddles.

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目的探讨小儿手背深度烧伤的手术治疗方法,减少小儿手背深度烧伤后手部功能残障。Objective To discuss the surgical treatment of deep burns on the dorsum manus of children so as to decrease the occurrence of function disability.

海勒。曼斯建筑公司,一个在圣。佛兰西斯科的25人公司,现在已经有三分之二的业务在中国,目前已有十来个项目排在了他们的日程表上。Heller Manus Architects, a 25-employee firm in San Francisco is now doing two-thirds of its work in China, with a dozen projects currently on the boards.

到了1960年代时,世界各地的人们都可以使用广播电台及电视,所以宾州及马奴斯岛的小孩都可以在同一天听到太空人的消息。By the 1960s, people all over the world had access to radio and television, so kids in Pennsylvania and Manus could hear news about astronauts on the same day.

结论肿瘤患者化疗间歇期选用指背静脉进行输液能保护手背静脉,使病人顺利完成化疗。Conclusion Dorsal digital vein adopted for venipuncture at chemotherapy intermission can protect dorsum manus vein and ensure the patients to complete chemotherapy successfully.