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肖先生由于领导游行很快被本田公司开除了。Mr.Xiao was fired by Honda soon after leading the walkout.

工厂的工人为了争取合理的工作环境而发动了罢工。Factory workers staged a walkout to protest for proper working conditions.

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工会主席伊塞里否认罢工将在星期三开始的报导。Union President Peter Esele denied reports the walkout is to begin Wednesday.

另外三间卧室都在步出式的楼下一层,那里建在这处房产的山坡地段。Three additional bedrooms are on the walkout lower level, built into the property's slope.

而民主党议员在州议会没有拖延了罢工行动的人数。And Democratic legislators lack the numbers in the statehouse to delay action with a walkout.

此前,“伊拉克名单”的领导人阿拉维未出席议会会议,并发表了尖锐的评论。This comes after an earlier walkout and harsh comments by the leader of the Iraqiya bloc, Ayad Allawi.

即使俄罗斯温顺而忠实的反对党从中阻挠,在国会罢工以示抗议。Even Russia’stamed and loyal opposition balked, staging a walkout of the national parliamentin protest.

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议会下院——国家杜马的三个名义反对党的议员以退场作为抗议。MPs from the three nominal opposition parties in the Duma, the lower house of parliament, staged a walkout in protest.

然而处于此事件的另一方的传媒集团,仅仅三个月的罢工根本无法让其感受到太多痛苦。The media conglomerates, on the other hand, are too big to feel much financial pain from a walkout lasting three months.

在对法国市长的一次讲话中,总统敦促罢工者重新考虑他们是否要持续罢工,这给国家带来巨大的代价。In a speech to French mayors, the president urged strikers to reconsider continuing their walkout that has cost the country so dearly.

2月12日,劳资双方达成协议,规定在互联网上提供的影视节目的收益中,给予编剧们更大的份额。The walkout ended February 12 after the two sides reached agreement on a deal giving writers more money for work distributed over the Internet.

当他在2007年成为该党领导人时,他好像抱定决心要通过耍绝活出名,例如上演了一出让自由民主党议员退出下议院的戏。When he became his party's leader in 2007 he seemed intent on making his mark through stunts, such as staging a walkout of Lib Dem MPs from the Commons.

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分析人士说,一次罢工从短期看可能只会取得有限的成功,因为或许资方会让一小批临时工参与生产来减少对石油产量的影响。Analysts say a walkout may have limited success in the short-term, because a skeleton staff may be engaged at production facilities to limit the impact on output.

不过,批评家警告说,明星男高音罗贝托.阿蓝尼亚在米兰史卡拉歌剧院的一场演出中,以引人注目的罢演退场回应观众席的嘘声,恐怕是生气得太过火了。But star tenor Roberto Alagna's dramatic walkout during a performance at Milan's La Scala opera house in response to boos in the crowd may be a tantrum too far, critics warn.

民主派实时感到愤怒,昨晚于礼宾府会见人大常委会副秘书长乔晓阳时愤然中途离席抗议。Democrats immediately reacted with anger, staging a walkout during a meeting with visiting Standing Committee deputy secretary-general Qiao Xiaoyang at Government House last night.

今天他在每季度的会议上告知分析家,经过四周的提议美国广播公司受到罢工的影响。Iger , the chief executive of the Walt Disney Company, told analysts today in a quarterly conference call that ABC will feel the impacts of a walkout after four weeks of picketing.

周四,天津星光橡胶塑料厂的工人罢工了一天,但是他们在公司表示将重估该工厂800名工人的工资后回到了工作岗位。On Thursday, workers staged a one-day walkout at Tianjin Star Light Rubber and Plastic but they went back to work after the company said it would review wages for the plant’s 800 workers.