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毒物学杂志。Journal of Toxicology.

环境毒物学与化学。Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.

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现在的毒理学研究就像猜谜游戏。Toxicology is currently a guessing game.

而毒物学检验的结果可能要等上数周。The results of toxicology tests may take several weeks.

毒理学表明宁动颗粒无明显毒副反应。Toxicology certifies that it has no obvious toxic action.

药物毒理学是近年来新开的药学专业学生的一门必修课。Drug toxicology is a required new course for students majoring in pharmacy.

生物测定是生物学、医学、毒理学的重要内容与基础。Bioassay plays an important role in the studies of biology, medicine and toxicology.

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验尸官说,毒物测试6个星期之后才有结果。The coroner's office says results from its toxicology tests could take up to six weeks.

验尸报告已经出来,但还需要进一步的毒理测试。A post mortem examination has been carried out but further toxicology tests are required.

他补充说,这种疫苗还在临床前毒理学研究中被证明是安全的。He added that the vaccine had also demonstrated safety in preclinical toxicology studies.

行为药物学和毒理学。在实验室和荒野的行为病理学。Behavioral Pharmacology and Toxicology. Behavioral Pathologies in Laboratory and in the Wild.

事实上,美国国家毒理学项目警告BPA可能引起婴儿不正常的发育。In fact, the National Toxicology Program warns that BPA may cause babies to develop abnormally.

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杀虫药剂的致毒症状和作用机理是杀虫药剂毒理学的重要内容。The poisoning symptoms and mechanism of insecticides are the main content of Insecticides Toxicology.

巴格列酮的毒性已经经过一个综合性的非临床毒理研究程序鉴定。The toxicity of balaglitazone was characterized in a comprehensive non-clinical toxicology programme.

对生态毒理学和环境毒理学的几个基本概念进行了论述。In this paper, some concepts of ecotoxicology and environmental toxicology were studied and discussed.

试验研究了除草剂阿特拉津对大鼠脏器功能的影响。The study was performed to investigate the toxicology of atrazine affecting visceral function in rats.

国家毒理学规划处今日发出一份更深入的验证研究。Further validation of this study is provided today by a new study from the National Toxicology Program.

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目的对系列抗晕船口服液进行安全性评价。Objective To conduct safety evaluation of serial anti- seasickness oral solutions for animal toxicology.

这些皮肤药膏不被列为杰克逊至死的原因也不在毒理学检测报告中。The skin cream was not listed as a factor in Jackson's death nor was it detected in a toxicology report.

毒理学试验表明,该品对皮肤无毒,无刺激性,无红斑、水肿现象。Toxicology experiment indicated that it has no virulence to skin, no stimulus, no erythema, and no dropsy.