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DAK总部在什么地方?Where are DAK headquarters?

它是内巴顿在地球的总部。It is Nebadon's headquarters.

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诺基亚公司的总部在芬兰。Nokias headquarters is in Finland.

FBI总部的电话响了。The phone rings at FBI headquarters.

它是壳牌的总部。which is the headquarters for Shell.

中国比亚迪在洛杉矶建立北美总部。BYD puts N. American headquarters in LA.

福特汽车公司的总部在密歇根州迪尔伯恩市。Dearborn, Michigan is Ford's headquarters.

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他们把总部设在了斯温登。They located their headquarters in Swindon.

各国、各区域和总部的工作人员Staff in countries, regions and headquarters

他们用无线电向大本营报告他们所处的位置。They radioed their position to headquarters.

这家公司的总部设在伦敦。The company's headquarters is based in London.

球场是在波士顿警察局总部的拐角处。It was around the corner from BPD headquarters.

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同盟国远征军最高司令部Supreme headquarters allied expeditionary force

新华社总社设在中国首都北京。The agency's headquarters is located in Beijing.

司令部迅速派遣部队到前线。The headquarters dispatched troops to the front.

在丰田,所有的信息都汇到总部。At Toyota, all information flows to headquarters.

快点,不然霸服到你总部去!!!Hurry, or service to your headquarters to Pa! ! !

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特蕾西,打个电话给美国总部的罗伊。Tracy, give a call to Roy in the US headquarters.

我们赶紧回到指挥部。We lost no time in returning to the headquarters.

现在它已是Korhal起义的总部。Now it served as the rebel headquarters on Korhal.