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把史立巴先生的太太的刀子抹净。Give Mr. Snipa"s wife"s knife a swipe.

把史立巴先生的太太的刀子抹净。Give Mr. Sniper's wife's knife a swipe.

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维护刷卡机及打印机。Servicing on Swipe Machine & Barcode Printer.

在感应器上刷你的储值票。Swipe your stored-value ticket over the sensor.

每当我正手拍侧击时,总是失误。I always miss when I have to use a forehand swipe.

野蛮暴怒不再影响熊的槌击和扫击。Savage Fury" no longer applies to " Maul" or "Swipe".

用户将会拿到个人识别密码受到保护的磁卡。Users will be provided with a PIN-protected swipe card.

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我不带信用卡。哪里有我放刷卡机的地方?I don't take cards. Where would I put the swipe machine?

接着刷了一下卡,然后他们就得到这笔钱。Then, they swipe the card and then they get that receipt.

快速登录使用员工或员工刷卡条码卡。Quick login using Employee Swipe Card or Employee Barcode Card.

在中国,扫一扫手指就能变美——当然,是某种特定的美。In China, beauty — of a particular kind — can come from a swipe.

触击暂停、向左挥动快退、向右挥动快进。Tap to pause, swipe left to rewind, swipe right to fast-forward.

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你可以上下滑动来滚动列表,比如,艺术家列表。You swipe up and down to scroll lists of, say, tracks or artists.

老虎甩一下尾巴的力量足以粉碎一头牛的颅骨。A swipe of a tiger's paw is powerful enough to smash a cow's skull.

只需动动手指,就能轻松操作其他设备。Feel free to work with other devices with just a swipe of your finger.

在房梁变细的末梢,每片屋顶都是连在一起的。Where the beams have been tapered, each swipe of the plane is continuous.

仿佛要印证他的话,韦恩用汤匙最后搅了一下空燕麦粥碗。As if on cue, Wynn gives his now-empty oatmeal bowl a final swipe with the spoon.

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蛮兽神像对挥击技能的伤害加成由50减少到10点。The bonus to "Swipe" from the "Idol of Brutality" has been reduced from 50 to 10.

当你进楼的时候。你在门上的感应器上刷一下卡就可以了。When you come into our building, you can swipe the card on the sensor of the door.

每次操作锋利的阀座边缘都可以把球体刮擦干净。Can swipe the spheroid clean on the sharp valve seat edge at the time of each operation.