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琼斯太太与她丈夫离婚了。Mrs. John divorced her husband.

五年后,两人分道扬镳。They divorced five years later.

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生活与艺术不能脱离。Life and art cannot be divorced.

克莱普顿和莱拉于1988年离婚。Eric and Pattie divorced in 1988.

恩斯特和林蕙离婚,在1936年。Ernst and Helene divorced in 1936.

2008年4月17日,陈勇军和王莉协议离婚了。On April 17th, 2008, they divorced.

这对新婚匹俦仳离了。The new couple divorced each other.

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但,不久后,双亲还是离了婚。But his parents divorced in the end.

法官判汤姆夫妇离婚。The judge divorced Mr. and Mrs. Tom.

露西和德西·阿纳兹于1960年离婚。Lucy and Desi Arnaz divorced in 1960.

听说史密斯夫妇离婚了。Someone said the Smiths got divorced.

法庭给琼斯良俦离了婚。The court divorced Mr. and Mrs. Jones.

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法官判准史密斯夫妇离婚。The judge divorced Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

可就在这时,她的丈夫同她离了婚。Instead, Ashrafi’s husband divorced her.

克里斯蒂夫妇最终于1928年离婚。The Christies ultimately divorced in 1928.

他的梦想常常脱离现实。His dreams are often divorced frow reality.

泰勒与艾迪在1959年完婚,1964年两人分手。They married in 1959, but divorced in 1964.

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汤姆克鲁斯和妮可基曼离婚了。Tom Cruise and Nichole Kidman got divorced.

我的妈妈和爸爸是在我2岁之前离婚的。My mom and dad were divorced before I was 2.

罗斯考虑要组织离婚男人俱乐部。Ross ponders starting a divorced men's club.