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黑龙江省成为首个对“早恋”问题进行立法的省。Heilongjiang is the first province to so legislate.

然而,要知道通过立法来平衡贸易只是徒劳。But trying to legislate trade balance is a fool's errand.

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这种信号甚至可以导致国会为某个通胀目标进行立法,他以赞成的口吻说道。It could even lead Congress to legislate an inflation target, he said with approval.

当他们在想郊游野餐时,他们尽量预计到各种可能性。They tried to legislate for every possibility when they were thinking of the picnic.

很坦白说我的确认为这是不可避免的,立法杜绝在实际上是做不到的。Quite honestly I do thind it's inevitable , and it's virtually impossible to legislate that away.

如果地面上的人都死于核战争,不会有人留下来服务,更不用说立法了。If everyone up top dies in a nuclear war, there would be nobody left to serve, much less to legislate for.

你要是想在公定假日去旅游,就得预计到旅途交通可能被耽搁。If you are thanking of travelling on a public holiday, you'll have to legislate for delays in the traffic.

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如果国会未能以立法形式取消金融机构靠过度风险投资而产生的奖金,那么至少应对奖金征税。If Congress can’t legislate away the financial rewards for excessive risk-taking, it can at least try to tax them.

爱尔兰联合银行表示,支付这笔红利是法律义务,但是勒尼汉表示将对这次事件进行调查。AIB said it had been legally obliged to pay the bonuses, but that Lenihan has said he will now legislate on the issue.

该部门计划提出一项立法,对任何煤电力站都必须按其产出比例进行碳捕捉和存储。The department plans to legislate that any new coal-fired power station must demonstrate CCS on a proportion of its output.

前总统比尔·克林顿也表示,这就好像校董事会“在代数课、数学课或是阅读课的规定方面会有所不同”。Former president Bill Clinton said it was as if somehow school boards could legislate differences in algebra or math or reading.

他补充道,“立法与执法”策略将是唯一有效保护知识创造者的知识产权的方法。He added that a "legislate and enforce" strategy was the only way to protect the intellectual property rights of content producers.

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这班怪物一听到有什么动静,立即会跑出来想立头功,就让他们去送死吧。These monster hear what a hybrid, will immediately run out combat and rendered meritorious service to legislate , let them die to it.

欧盟和美国的原产地规则在其反倾销调查中发挥着重要的作用,其相关立法和实践对我国相对落后的立法有一定的借鉴意义。Rules of origin of EU and US played a key role in the anti-dumping investigation. So it would be useful for us to legislate and practice.

他可以提醒选民即使在经济衰退中,总统需要任命联邦法官时,他将不会从作为议员中选举法官。He can remind voters that even in a recession, the president appoints federal judges — and that his judges won’t legislate from the bench.

美国于2009年立法为全国的碳排放制订上限,受到各界欢迎,视为该国迈向加入国际协议的第一步。Moves by the USA in 2009 to legislate a cap on national emissions were welcomed as a first step towards joining an international agreement.

使我们必须面对新经济下知识产权领域反垄断的新课题——对知识产权人拒绝交易的反垄断规制。Therefore, it's very essential and urgent to legislate the antitrust system in the IPR field to restrict t kind of abuse behavior in China.

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波兰打算立法禁止就业歧视和消除劳动力市场基于性别的隔离和划分。Poland intends to legislate against discrimination in employment and to eliminate gender-based segregation and segmentation of the labour market.

其他的蔗糖关税保持不变,同时1766年的宣言法案肯定了国会对所有有关美国事务进行立法的权力。The other sugar duties remained, and the Declaratory Act of 1766 affirmed the right of Parliament to legislate in all mattes concerning Americans.

对所有政治家而言这也应是一记警钟,提醒他们应该为生育相关法制定全国一致的法律了。It should also be a wake-up call to all politicians to legislate for a nationally consistent framework on all laws regarding assisted reproduction.