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“把他安排到睡衣柜台”。Put him at the pyjama counter.

卡萝和她的朋友在她们家的客厅里举办一个睡衣派对。Carol and her friends were holding a pyjama party in their living room.

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他点点头。安妮突然很惊慌,她在被单底下摸她的睡裤。He nods. Ann, suddenly panicked, feels under the sheets for her pyjama bottoms.

但是那些对`禁止睡衣`持反对意见的人则大胆的说出了他们对衣着喜好的支持。But opponents of the pyjama purge spoke out in support of their sartorial preferences.

一些男人穿着宽松的、睡衣似的尼日利亚服装,还有穿西服的。Some of the men were in loose, pyjama -style Nigerian suits, others in western clothes.

在万圣节夜暨第一届保护睡衣同盟会上,会员们无比自豪地穿着他们的上海式夜装。On Hallowe’en the first Pyjama Protection League members wore their Shanghai nightwear with pride.

男孩子手拿蜡烛,穿着白色长袍,戴着画有金色星星的帽子。Boys carry a candle and wear a kind of white pyjama. They wear hats that are pointy with golden stars on them.

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在你的睡衣后背那缝上一个网球,这样你就不会仰着睡啦。Try sewing a tennis ball into the back of your pyjama top. This will certainly stop you from sleeping on your back!

这天,瑞典的女孩子会打扮成圣·露西亚的模样——身穿白色长裙,头戴插有蜡烛的花冠。On the day, girls in Sweden dress up as Santa Lucia wearing a white dress and a crown of candles. Boys carry a candle and wear a kind of white pyjama.

在这种乡下地方,一个人穿着囚衣形迹鬼祟,就好像婚礼蛋糕上的蟑螂一样醒目。Shawshank is no Canon City, but in a rural area a man humping his ass across country in a grey pyjama suit sticks out like a cockroach on a wedding cake.

为解决这一问题,新加坡南洋理工大学正加紧研制这种特制睡衣。其特殊之处在于,人们可以通过互联网调节其压力和温度,从而令穿着者产生一种被抚爱的感觉。NTU is thinking of a pyjama suit for children, which would use the Internet to adjust changes in pressure and temperature to simulate the feeling of being hugged.