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他发觉她在到处寻乐。He found her batting round.

正轮到游击手击球时,天下起雨来。The shortstop was batting when the rain began.

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他以三成七五的打击率结束那棒球季。He ended the season with a batting average of375.

他面对困难能做到面不改色。He faces the difficulties without batting an eye.

我真是棉絮一千元,你的棒球球迷。I was truly batting a thousand, for you baseball fans.

于是安吉尔·R.佩纳在自家的后院安排击球训练。So Angel R. Penaheld batting practice in his backyard.

英格兰的英雄也称赞击球教练格雷厄姆古奇。England's hero also praised batting coach Graham Gooch.

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他们就突然冲进车流中,眼睛都不眨一下。They just lurch out into traffic without batting an eye.

我把自己嘴巴里面的东西挖出来一看,原来是棉絮。I put myself in their mouth things dug a see, was batting.

用一个钉书机把绵絮和布料固定在一定的位置上。Use a staple gun to attach the batting and fabric in place.

那被定罪的人木无表情地听着对他的宣判。The condemned man listened to his sentence without batting an eyelid.

那被定罪的人木无表情地听著对他的宣判。The condemned man listened to his sentence without batting an eyelid.

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这肯定是一种万无一失的提高平均成功率的方法,您不这么认为吗?That's a sure fire way to increase your batting average, don't you think?

棒球打击手和球童都面无表情地听着这个故事。The batter and the batboy listened to the story without batting an eyelid.

总经理整天东奔西跑,与每位宾客谈话。The general manager has been batting around all day talking with every guest.

虽然没有一句话是真的,比尔编造故事却面不改色。Bill told his story without batting an eye although not a word of it was true.

特德?威廉姆斯最值得纪念的就是1941年创造了单赛季406次命中的成绩。Ted Williams is best remembered for his season batting average of 406 in 1941.

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虽然没有一句话是真的,比尔造故事却面不改色。Bill told his story without batting an eye, although not a word of it was true.

虽然没有一句话是真的,汤姆编造故事却面不改色。Tom told his story without batting an eye, although not a world of it was true.

虽然没有一句话是真的,比尔编造故事却面不改色。Bill told his story without batting an eye, although not a world of it was true.