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崔真实的遗体今天进行火葬。Choi's remains true today for cremation.

火化遗体有违中国人的传统。Cremation was against Chinese tradition.

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在恒河边火葬日夜不息。The cremation ghats in Varanasi burn day and night.

相比火,散弹枪是更好的打僵尸武器。The shotgun is a better anti-zombie strategy than cremation.

在很多地方,习俗和宗教限制了对火葬的使用。Custom and religion limit the use of cremation in many places.

他说,会在周六采用一个集体火葬的方式。Instead, he said, there would be a mass cremation on Saturday.

今天,柬埔寨为已故太皇西哈努克举行了皇家火葬仪式。A royal cremation ceremony of the late king is being held today.

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通常来说,都是采用土葬、火葬或者海葬。In general, they adopt the inhumation, cremation and sea-burial.

是寺僧圆寂火化后灵骨的墓葬地。It was used as burial ground for monks of temple after cremation.

火葬追求的是这样——背后的想法是“尘归尘,土归土”。Cremation aspires to this – that’s the idea behind “ashes to ashes”.

在人口密集的日本和香港,火葬是一种常见的选择。In densely populated Japan and Hong Kong cremation is a common choice.

我厂的捡灰火化机使用寿命是其他厂家的2—3倍。The service life of cremation ashes machines is 2-3 times longer than others.

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泰国的寺庙通常有殡仪业者准备火化尸体。Temples in Thailand typically have morticians who prepare bodies for cremation.

传统的土葬和火葬方式对环境有一定的负面影响。Traditional burial and cremation practices have a negative environmental impact.

葬礼承办者对亡者进行火化时通常将心脏起搏器取下。Funeral directors normally remove pacemakers when preparing bodies for cremation.

只有火葬用的柴堆发出的可怕火焰才会照亮难以渗透的黑暗。The impenetrable darkness was illumined only by the terrible flames of the cremation pyres.

他星期一将访问甘地1948年被火化的纪念地拉吉加特。On Monday they visit Raj Ghat, the memorial that marks the spot of Gandhi's cremation in 1948.

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她被豺狼和其他不神圣的人围绕着,那是火葬场的人。She is surrounded by jackals and other unholy creatures, the denizens of the cremation ground.

两个项目机构为运输和焚化尸体提供相同标准的经济补偿。Both programs offered equal levels of financial reimbursement for transportation and cremation costs.

正如火化后的骨灰会被送还给死者家属一样,液化所剩下的尸体骨骼被碾碎后也将会返还给其家属。The bones remaining can be ground down and returned to the family, rather like ashes from a cremation.