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彗星上的人造陨坑。Man-Made Crater on Comet.

为什麽是慧星像米老老鼠?。Why is the comet like Micky Mouse?

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所以跳舞者、多纳、慧星和丘比特。So Dancer and Donner, Comet and Cupid.

今晚走到门外来看鹿林彗星。Go outside tonight and see Comet Lulin.

我急不可待地要见到新彗星的出现。I can hardly wait to see the new comet.

如果是这样的话,生命也许是从彗星中开始的。If so, life may have started in a comet.

一颗彗星的核儿几乎就是一颗货真价实的星星。The nucleus of a comet is almost a star.

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一张拍摄于1986年的哈雷彗星照片。An image of Halley's Comet taken in 1986.

彗尾的长度可达数百万公里。Comet tails are millions of kilometers long.

在所有彗星中最有名的是哈雷彗星。The most famous comet of all is Halley's Comet.

彗星是一个释放着气体和尘埃的冰质天体。A comet is an icy body that releases gas or dust.

绝对是自己翻的…哈雷慧星也许是彗星中最著名的。Halley's comet is probably the most famous comet.

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哪天你看到一颗貌似彗星的行星,那会是啥星呢?Whaddya get when you cross a planet with a comet ?

麦克诺特彗星的超长尾巴将会是一场华丽的展示Comet McNaught's Superlong Tail Promises Flashy Show

这就是为什么彗尾总是背离太阳的方向。That's why comet tails always point away from the sun.

这就是为什么彗星总是面向太阳拖着尾巴。That’s why comet tails always point away from the sun.

彗星离太阳最远时就是在它的远日点上。A comet is at aphelion when it is farthest from the sun.

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我认识相当多见过哈雷彗星的人。I have met quite a lot of people who saw Halley's Comet.

一份研究公布,柯伊伯带上一颗彗星的水与和地球上的匹配。Kuiper belt comet has water that matches ours, study says.

历史上最著名的彗星叫作哈雷彗星。The most famous comet in history is called Halley's comet.