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南港货站水泥仓的北晟重机凸形调车机群。The PHM DLs of cement warehouse, Nan-Kang Cargo Station.

这些方向性标签是飞往华沙、克拉科夫,利沃夫和格但斯克的。These dls were flown to warszawa krakow lwow and gdansk.

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试报价在9。00美元以玻引起客户更大兴趣。Try offer below dls 9.00 impression buyer more interested.

通过粗集理论提取出对光谱分类有用的一些规则,这可以看作是光谱描述语言的一个应用。By RSDA we extract some rules of stellar spectra, arid this experiment can be regarded as an application of DLS.

数字图书馆是非常复杂的文献集,包括很多结构化的机制来管理数据并对数据进行描述,即所谓的元数据。We see that DLs can be complex collections with various structuring mechanisms for managing data and descriptions of that data, the so-called metadata.

根据噪声产生的物理原因,将动态光散射实验中的噪声分为外部环境噪声和设备内部噪声两大类。The noises in DLS experiment were defined as external environment noise and equipment inner noise according to the physical processes of the noise production.

但对于前路或后路椎间融合手术矫正DLS,孰优孰劣仍未见相关研究报道。Whether the interbody fusion is better performed from an anterior or posterior approach has not been studied for patients undergoing surgical correction for DLS.

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通过透射电镜、动态激光光散射仪和紫外分光光度计对其进行了分析检测,得到了香气稳定、粒经分布较好的纳米微囊香精产品。The optimal technical parameters were concluded and the products were tested by TEM, DLS and UV, it showed a good result of stable odor and particle size distribution.

磁选机主要由高频振动机构、转环、励磁线圈、上下铁轭及各种矿斗、供水装置等组成。The DLS magnetic separator is mainly composed of high frequency vibrating mechanism, ring, exiting coils, upper and lower yoke and varies ore buckets, water supplying devices.

通过透射电镜观察、动态光散射测定、紫外吸光度测定等手段分析胶束的微观形态、粒径大小和载药量、测定了载药胶束的体外释药速率。Microscopic morphology, diameter and drug-loaded amount of the micelles were examined by means of TEM, DLS and UV respectively, and their in vitro drug release rates were measured.

用TEM和DLS研究了溶剂相中RDX浓度对颗粒粒径的影响和陈化时间对颗粒生长的影响。The influence of RDX concentration of initial acetone solution on RDX microcrystals growth, and the particle size of RDX microcrystals at room temperature were studied by TEM and DLS.