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这条河的河道曲折,汊流众多。This river has a zigzagging watercourse and many branches.

因此了解河道植被对水流的影响成为人们日益关注的问题。So men have high attention on the vegetation in watercourse now.

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河涌整治已经成为许多城市环境治理的重点。Watercourse regulation has become the focus of urban environmental treatment.

水道由在地面收集到的生燧石砌成。The watercourse is lined in raw flint nodules, used as it is found in the ground.

热污染——向河道里注入热而导致的污染。Thermal pollution----Pollution caused by the injection of heat into a watercourse.

在大量试验基础上,对预制板混凝土配合比进行研究。Based on many tests, we studied mixture ratio of watercourse precast concrete board.

每栋建筑旁边的水道象征着一种独有的区域文化。Each building alongside the watercourse represents one typical cultural practice of this area.

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地表河与地下河相连接构成长江主河道。The main watercourse of Yangtze was made of some surface river sectors and underground rivers.

高能水道心滩为研究区最有利的储集砂体,其次为边滩沉积。The high energy watercourse channel bars are the most favorable reservoir, secondly are point bar deposits.

美国佛罗里达州的夫妇使用的日式拱桥跨越低于其后院瀑布水道。A Florida couple utilized a Japanese-style arch bridge to cross a watercourse below their backyard waterfall.

内河导航系统中,若导航目标的测量结果偏离了河道,将是一种不可接受的误差。If the navigation target is deviated from watercourse in the navigation system, it would be a unacceptable error.

穿过山脊、河道和冰河裂缝,到达一望无涯的冰原时,举目四顾,除了冰,还是冰。Going through the ridge, watercourse and glacier crack, you reach at the boundless icefield and look around to see nothing but ice.

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这希西家也塞住基训的上源,引水直下,流在大卫城的西边。This same Hezekiah also stopped the upper watercourse of Gihon, and brought it straight down to the west side of the city of David.

她绕到外边时,暮色更低地压下来了。沟底下的树丛成了模糊的一片。While she had been walking outside, the glow of twilight had descended. The grove of trees along the watercourse was an indistinct blur.

河道管理的现代化离不开河道的数字化管理与信息化建设。The modernization of the watercourse management depends on the digitalized management and Informatization construction of the watercourse.

乌江水道不仅是川盐入黔的主要运道,而且也是川盐进入湘西、鄂西及渝东南有关州县食盐的重要运道。Wujing watercourse was the main way for Sichuan salt to enter not only Cuizhou, but also west Hunan, west Hubei and southest counties of Chongqing.

交通区位是区域的空间可达性的重要标志,强化了人口的沿河道分布并加大了区段间的差异。Traffic location is an important symbol of spatial accessibility, and it strengthened the characteristics of along the watercourse and sectionality.

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第3章以概化的矩形河道为对象,采用一维涌潮数学模型对潮波进行模拟,对涌潮的成因作了分析研究。Chapter 3 has analyzed the origin cause of tidal bore through simulating bore with one-dimensional bore model based on the ideal rectangle cross watercourse.

延安处于黄土高原梁峁地区,川道狭长的缺点,给不断扩大的城市建设带来了诸多不利。The city of Yan'an, is located in the hilly loess plateau region, while the long and narrow watercourse makes lots of trouble in the process of city construction.

通过室内试验。分析了在河道种植凤眼莲前后水流时均流速和雷诺应力的变化。Variation of time average velocity and Reynolds stress before and after planting eichhornia crassipe in the watercourse is analyzed based on laboratory experiments.