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印尼是世界上最大的群岛,由于地处太平洋火圈,很容易发生地震。Indonesia is the world's largest archipelago.

旅游业和捕鱼业在这个多岛国家大大发展。Tourism and fishing are being developed on the archipelago.

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舟山群岛植物区系地理的数值研究。A numerical study on the floristics of the Zhoushan Archipelago.

在这个太平洋的群岛里,大约有80个像这样的湖泊,每一处都隐藏着惊奇。Surprises hide in each of some 80 such lakes in this Pacific archipelago.

大致说来,这正是这个日益老龄化的亚洲群岛正开始做的事。That is, roughly speaking, what Asia's ageing archipelago is starting to do.

群岛是指因地质原因形成的一大块聚集在一起的岛屿。An archipelago is a chain or cluster of islands that are formed tectonically.

我们不能成为中国、印度、西方国家或者马来群岛的伸延部分。We cannot be an extension of China, India, the West, or the Malay archipelago.

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让我开导这些谁没有得到这一奇特的一部分,该群岛。Let me enlighten those who haven't been to that exotic part of the archipelago.

世界群岛,顾名思义,就是一个由300个人工岛组成一幅世界地图形状的群岛。The World is a man-made archipelago of 300 islands in the shape of a world map.

发现大连—丹东—大青群岛区域存在有明显生消过程的温度锋面。The temperature fronts in Dalian-Dandong-Daqing archipelago start in September.

一群鱼群集靠近一个暗礁在法属波利尼西亚的土木土群岛。A school of fish clusters near a reef in French Polynesia's Tuamotu Archipelago.

在贯穿加拿大群岛的升高了的海滩上,人们都能发现北极露脊鲸的骨骼。Bowhead skeletons are found on elevated beaches through the Canadian archipelago.

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奥巴马对群岛人民的感情也显得真心实意。Mr Obama’s affection for the people of the sprawling archipelago seemed heartfelt.

该群岛位于南大西洋的巴塔戈尼亚架上。The archipelago is located in the Southern Atlantic Ocean on the Patagonian Shelf.

柔和的空气包裹成一个美丽的棕榈树阴霾群岛的混合物。The soft air enveloping the archipelago blends into a beautiful palm-fringed haze.

这些岛屿附近的水域通常被认为属于丹麦群岛的范围。The water surrounding these islands is often referred to as the Danish Archipelago.

它产在葡萄牙的马地拉群岛,属蔷薇科的乔木。It is produced archipelago is pulled in Portuguese Ma De, belong to rosaceous arbor.

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这种世界上最大的亚种熊是科迪亚克群岛独一无二的。This subspecies—among the world's largest bears—is unique to the Kodiak archipelago.

中国最大的群岛,舟山是一个发展中的港口和岛屿的城市中国。China's largest archipelago , Zhoushan is a developing port and island city in China.

在野外,这种斑纹鱼只生活在印度尼西亚的Banggai群岛。In the wild, the striped fish is only found in the Banggai Archipelago off Indonesia.