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她有双重国籍。She has dual nationality.

那么你的国籍是什么?Then what is your nationality?

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哈萨克族是一个诗歌民族。The Kazaks is a poetic nationality.

外师国籍的优先选择。Preference for the FT's nationality?

我们俩是同一国籍的人。We were both of the same nationality.

布依族是我国古老的民族。Buyi is an ancient nationality of China.

你的国籍是那国?你是美国人吗?What's your nationality? Are you American?

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客家民系是汉民族的一个分支。Hakka is the branch of the Han nationality.

获奖者不论国籍和性别。No matter prize-winner nationality and sex.

客家是中国汉族中一个独特的民系。Hakka is a special branch in Han nationality.

韩规古籍是普米族祭司韩规使用的宗教典籍。Hangui is the priest of the Pumi nationality.

仫佬族是广西土著民族。The Mulao is a native nationality in Guangxi.

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请问你的姓名?出生年月?国籍?May I have your name? birthday and nationality?

康定民族师范高等专科学校学报。Journal of Kangding Nationality Teachers College.

“客家”是汉民族的一大支系。The Hakkas in one of branches of Han nationality.

日本是一个非常厚颜无耻的民族。Japanese is the nationality with great effrontery.

别人问我的出生地,我会说我是德克萨斯人。People ask me what my nationality is, I say Texan.

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国民性批判问题是复杂的。The issue of nationality animadverting is complex.

朝鲜族知青W来我们户玩的时候讲了一个故事。Educated Korea nationality youth W told us a story.

布朗族是云南省特有的少数民族之一。The Bulang nationality is native to Yunnan Province.