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回过头再来想想关于美食的例子。Think back to the gastronomic example.

是这样,吉尔只是半个美食专家。Well, A.A. Gill is only half gastronomic.

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北京是一个美食矛盾体。Beijing is a city of gastronomic contradictions.

美食和文学自由地结合。it's kind of a combined gastronomic and literary freedom.

狩猎是巴罗莎传统烹饪的一个重要的部分。Game is a strong part of the Barossa 's gastronomic heritage.

酒店每天早晨提供丰盛的早餐。The cosy restaurant, Curnonsky, serves gastronomic and modern menus.

所有产品具有相同的美食价值,不管他们的身价。All products have the same gastronomic value, regardless of their price.

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为什么您要把这次讨论确定在美食方向呢?Why did you decide to take the discussion in this gastronomic direction?

不仅处理了一个严重破坏环境的生物,同时开创了烹饪上的先河。It deals with a serious environmental nuisance, while producing a gastronomic delight at the same time.

不但拥有惊人的美食品味,曾任艺术品鉴定家的她,也是一位美学专家。Not only does she have great gastronomic taste, but her sense of art and beauty is likewise impeccable.

2011年9月9日,利马Mistura美食节上,一位厨师证在做传统的秘鲁美食。A cook preparestraditional Peruvian food during the Mistura gastronomic fair in Lima, on September 9, 2011.

酒店提供屡获殊荣的英格兰鸡尾酒屋顶晚餐美食经验丰盛的品种。Hotel Inglaterra offers a splendid variety of gastronomic experiences from award-winning cocktails to rooftop dinners.

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奥里亚餐厅提供地中海的票价,并专注于提供新鲜农产品和美食烹饪方法。Oria Restaurant offers light Mediterranean fare, and is focused on delivering the freshest produce and a gastronomic cuisine approach.

每天晚上,西班牙馆将变成一个美食和歌舞表演的场所,向游客们提供正宗美味和激情的演出。The Spain Pavilion will be turned into a gastronomic cabaret that offers a feast to visitors every night by serving authentic delicacies and sizzling shows.

活泼可爱的复活节小兔子将指引着您寻找宝物,奇妙旅程就从万斯阁澳门餐厅丰盛的复活节早午餐开始。Hop, hop, hop with the live bunnies that will help you to seek the treasures of Easter and start off with the gastronomic find of Vasco's Easter Sunday Brunch.

与周边的自然环境紧密相连的饮食传统,更是将厄斯特松德城市推举成世界级美食之都。The culinary traditions, tightly linked to the surrounding nature, is expected to bring stersund's distinctive profile as a gastronomic city to an international level.

这也给科里带来了不小的压力。但他深谙平衡之道,工作之余会通过运动、水疗、美食等来释放工作压力。This is a big challenge for Christophe, who, clear about the importance of balance, releases the tension through sports, spa and gastronomic delights, as well as watching TV.

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对于厨师来说,在果米耀上获得比较高的分数或是在米其林上增加一颗星,可是件大事,尤其是米其林上获得三颗星,那就相当于跻身于烹饪奥林匹克竞赛的选手中了。It's an event for a chef to earn a better GaultMillau grade or an extra Michelin star, especially the third star, which means that one is ranked among the gastronomic Olympians.

这个城市是人口稀少的农业地区,有著源远流长的烹饪传统,并依托当地生产的绿色食品发展出了其独特的美食文化。The city, a rural and sparsely populated region, has a long-lasting culinary tradition and benefits from a unique gastronomic culture based on locally produced sustainable food.

蓝带学院美食旅游专业硕士的学习让我有机会把自己在执行健康领域的经验融入这个一致认可的研究生学历的学习当中。The Le Cordon Bleu Master of Gastronomic Tourism gives me an opportunity to distil my life experiences in the executive wellness arena into a recognized postgraduate qualification.