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就是你进入了一个自我维生的状态。One enters a state of self- sustenance.

伟大的讽刺作品需要伟大的怪异故事来滋养它。Great satire needs the sustenance of great fable.

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河流给上坝带来颠杌是生机,而是死亡。In Shangba the river brings death not sustenance.

是我不应把依靠请托给触碰不到的将来。I should not have to rely on sustenance to the touch than the future.

这就是一套,维护社会体系的信仰It was a set of beliefs in the sustenance of a social order as it is.

当他营养得不到保障的时候最好不要出现在一位低血糖的逻辑学家面前!Stand well clear of a hypoglycemic logician when sustenance has been withheld!

意为执着,也指火从燃料中获得的滋养。Upadana, or clinging, also refers to the sustenance a fire takes from its fuel.

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一生清贫,诗书画及设计工作是我生命中的戏寄托。Writing poems, calligraphy, painting and designing are his game and sustenance.

政府会管你们的!The government will be responsible for your sustenance and your schooling needs.

第二部分冯词的性别角色与寄托。The second chapter discussed the gender roles and sustenance of Feng Yansi's Ci.

意大利人吃匹萨饼,这表明呢,全靠外卖食品生存?Italians eat pizza and what does that suggest, relying on take away food for sustenance?

最后,作者也没有把上帝描述成,一个需要贡品来获得食物的人。At the end, the writer doesn't depict him as needing the sacrifice for food or sustenance.

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而且,在洪水中,他们找不到食物,没有供给。And moreover during the period of the flood they don't have food,they don't have sustenance.

不得志文人的精神寄托和价值重构之所。The second is the unsuccessful scholars' spiritual sustenance and restructuring of the value.

也。许这只是一种文字上的寄托也许我需要这样的寄托、嗯我喜欢这样的安静。Maybe this is just a text on the sustenance Maybe I need such sustenance, ah, I like the quiet.

同样,钓饵是鱼食重要性的具体体现,对鱼来说,他们可以从中获取食物。Similarly, baits are items of food importance to the fish from which they can obtain sustenance.

你需要的是养料和平日形成的好习惯,但这些你从任何地方都能获得。You need sustenance and you benefit from good habits. But you can get those things almost anywhere.

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长长的下午像一条空荡荡的道路不知通往何处。Light sustenance for the long afternoon lengthening drearily ahead like an empty road going nowhere.

优秀的演员经常会把角色演活,从而让这段寄托从戏里发展到戏外。Good actors often live to play the role, so that the development of sustenance from the drama to drama.

这么一来,他真的浸润在他的文学情人的怀抱中,而由这些书籍中获得他的灵魂的食粮。Thus he truly steeps himself in his literary lover and derives from these books sustenance for his soul.