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市面上最便宜的沙爹之一!One of the Cheapest Satay in Town.

这沙茶鸡肉丝的味道真的很独特你加了什么?The chicken satay has got a really unique flavor. What'd you use?

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拼盘有巴里沙嗲烤鸡翅膀炸苏东都真的蛮好吃的。The platter with balinese satay grilled chicken wings and fried so tong.

我们在印尼旅行的时候,享用了一顿丰富的沙嗲晚餐。When we were vacationing in Indonesia, we had many different forms of satay for dinner.

我们去那里吃午餐和逛街购物,我吃了沙嗲和炒萝卜糕,美味极了。We went there to eat the lunch and shopping, I ate satay and , they were all very yummy.

炭烤鸡肉吃起来,口感和沙爹鸡肉挺相似的,只是觉得肉硬了一点。Grilled Chicken Rice – the chicken taste like satay chicken, except the meat is a little hard.

黑洞的算法,和二分法,我写的,嗲给知道一些,自己感觉还可以。Black hole of algorithms, and the dichotomy, I wrote some satay to know that they feel can also.

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他们使用刷子、小铲子、甚至烤肉签子,把每块遗骨都留在土基上。They used brushes, trowels, even satay sticks, leaving each bone perched on a pedestal of earth.

香辣滑爽的烤鸡肉,牛肉,羊肉或猪肉配上口感不同的五种沙爹佐料,不同的搭配带给您不一样的风味!Five different flavors of Satay go with smooth Chicken, Beef, Lamb or Pork to delight your appetite.

现烤的印尼沙嗲,又香又诱人的口味,连这位越南嫁到台湾的太太,也大口说好。Freshly grilled Indonesian satay proved too tempting for some passersby. This Vietnamese woman seems to like them a lot.

我闻到辛辣的榴莲果味,马来烤肉味,当我肩膀被湿的晾晒衣物碰了一下,还闻到了洗衣粉的柠檬味。I could smell pungent durian fruit, grilled satay and lemon detergent as my shoulder slapped against a line of wet laundry.

炭烤嫩滑鸡胸肉、秘制泰式花生酱汁、豆芽及芝士等,配上沙爹酱汁。Chicken Grilled chicken breast, spicy peanut sauce , bean sprouts, scallions, carrots, cilantro and Mozzarella, Served with satay peanut sauce.

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放在已预热的烤炉上烧烤,偶尔反转两面烧,烤熟后蘸沙嗲酱同吃。Preheat a grill, place the beef skewers on the grill and cook until they are done, turning occasionally during grilling. Serve hot with the satay sauce.

“在英国,大多数过敏致死是由咖哩、婚礼、派对引起的,而他们并不知道什么是沙嗲和香蒜,”和我同机前往维也纳的高兰说。"In the UK most deaths are from curries, weddings, parties, and not knowing what satay and pesto are, " says Gowland, my fellow passenger on the Vienna flight.