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美妙音乐使我们大饱耳福。Delightful music regales our ears.

朋友们捞叨著它们快乐的生活。Friends burble about their delightful lives.

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在过去的经验中我们每个人都有过海市蜃楼。We all have in our past a delightful garret.

我和我的朋友们常作轻松的闲谈。I often have delightful chats with my friends.

彼得用笛子吹奏了一支欢快的曲子。Peter played a delightful melody on his flute.

贵党不能有更愉快。Your party couldn't have been more delightful.

是呀,能亲临其境有多高兴啊!Yes, it was delightful to be really in an abbey!

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这是门德尔松的杰作之一。It's one of Mendelssohn's delightful compositions.

为什么这些微小的细节如此令人愉悦?Why are these little moments of care so delightful?

比那冬天的太阳和夏天的阴凉还要让我愉快啊!More delightful than sun in winter or shad in summer.

还是一只喜欢吃包子的、令人愉快的熊猫?Or a delightful panda that likes to gobble dumplings?

这生平第一次的、盼望已久的、令人愉快的报纸介绍!The first, the long-hoped for, the delightful notice!

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风从松林中吹来阵阵沁人的芳香。The wind blew delightful odors from the pine forests.

羕每一个生命都像是一颗饱满而甜美的果实。Each life likely is one full and the delightful fruit.

宫殿内的洛可可式装饰风格赏心悦目。The Rococo decoration inside the palace is delightful.

他们在长满草的院子里玩好玩的游戏。They played delightful games in a grass-covered court.

他们在被草覆盖的球场上高兴地玩着游戏。They played delightful games in a grass-covered court.

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风为我们吹来了松树的香味。The wind blew us delightful odors from the pine forests.

这一切足以让游客心旷神怡、留连忘返。All this delightful enough for tourists, Liu Lian in time.

他是一个很惹人喜爱的同伴,十分机智幽默。He was a most delightful companion, full of wit and humor.