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信是英文手写的。The letter is handwritten in English.

确定这是打印的文件还是手写的?Is it the type document or handwritten?

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他手写的诗稿价值不菲。His handwritten poems are worth a fortune.

邀请函使用草体亲笔书写的,塞丽娜。Invitation is handwritten. Serena, in cursive.

简历需要用文字处理器,而不能直接手写。CV should be word-processed and never handwritten.

西莉亚亲笔写下的致萨姆的信篇幅不长。Celia's letter, handwritten and addressed to Sam, was brief.

感谢信可以用打印稿,手写稿,或电子邮件的方式寄出。These thank you letters can be typed, handwritten or emailed.

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在车四顺家的墙壁上还贴着一个自己手写的口号,"永不放弃!"On her wall she had posted a handwritten sign that read, "Never give up!"

本文提出了手写汉字输入的一种新方法。A new method for the input, of handwritten Chinese characters is put forword.

在使用电子邮件的年代,一个手写的感谢信有意想不到的效果。In the age of e-mail, a handwritten thank-you note can have a powerful effect.

目前关于手写文档的结构化,分为联机和脱机两种。There are two ways in structuring handwritten documents, off-line and on-line.

之后,泰勒常常会在信的结尾处加上一句亲笔写的问候语,以示亲切。Taylor then often adds a handwritten greeting at the bottom as a personal touch.

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采用了一种基于笔道方向的手写体数字识别的方法。The method of handwritten digit recognition based on written direction is adopted.

基于上述模型进行的脱机手写模式识别算法说明了其有效性。The model is effective when applied to the off-line handwritten recognition algorithm.

一个简洁的,手写的纸条可能会被永记一生,也或者会改变一生。A brief, handwritten note may be remembered for a lifetime, and may even change a life.

在一份手书答复中,普京称赞那位博主的写作风格并承诺要送…In a handwritten reply , Mr Putin praised writer 's style and promised him a fire alarm.

提出一种应用于手写字符识别的基于梯度归一化模糊梯度特征提取方法。In this paper, a new algorithm of handwritten character recognition is proposed to incr.

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离线手写签名鉴别的主要困难在于签名特征的提取。The main difficulty of off-line handwritten signature verification is feature extraction.

验证支持向量机用于手写数字识别的有效性。Validating the effectiveness of support vector machine for handwritten digit recognition.

泰勒给我一份手写的单子,让我打印出72份。Tyler gave me a handwritten list of notes and said to type it and make seventy-two copies.