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你故意忤逆我。You deliberately disobey me.

只会选择不顺服神。It only chooses to disobey God.

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违抗或对古茹不敬。To disobey or disrespect the guru.

如果你不服从他,他就会发脾气。He will be nasty if you disobey him.

于是,约拿书决心违抗上帝。So Jonah made up his mind to disobey God.

违者严惩不贷。Those who disobey will be severely punished.

我劝你不要不服从你的长官。I recommend you not to disobey your officers.

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但如攀外出应违慎。But like climbs goes out to disobey cautiously.

我们必须遵守交通规则,我不能违抗。We must obey traffic regulations,I can't disobey.

我已收到了诏书,我不敢违抗。I have received a summons, and I dare not disobey it.

村里的女人必须服从这条法律。The women of the village would never disobey this law.

却因刚强性情违师教。But with my obstinate nature, I disobey his instructions.

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女儿自然是不能违背爹爹的意愿的。The daughter nature is the will that can not disobey daddy.

不能报销,违反财务制度。Cannot submit an expense account, disobey financial institution.

孩子们不能违抗父母之命。Children must not disobey the orders of their father and mother.

模糊夫妻角色的分工或者否认这种差别存在,都是对上帝的违逆。To blur these distinctions or to deny they exist is to disobey God.

很遗憾我不能听从您,爸爸,这是不可能的。It distresses me to disobey you, father, but that is out of the question.

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我们服从社会和议定书,扼杀个人自由的烙印。We disobey social protocol that stifles and stigmatizes personal freedom.

其他的狗开始渐渐不把斯皮茨放在眼里,甚至公然违抗他。The other dogs began to lose their respect for Spitz and even disobey him.

我和我哥哥互相看不顺眼,可我们还是不愿违背父母之命。We hate each other, my brother and I, but we preferred not to disobey my parents.