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他们梦想的未来是怎样的呢?What futures do they dream of?

期货交易不像股票那样分发股份。Futures do not trade in shares like stocks.

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王朋和李友一起创造他们的梦田…Wang Peng and Li You discuss their futures.

可以做进口整柜或期货。Import the entire cabinet can do or futures.

中国期货业的春天何时来临?。When Does the Spring of Chinese Futures Come?

尤其在期货交易中显得重要。It is especially important in futures trading.

我们的孩子参照我们,看到自己的未来。Our children look to us and see their futures.

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倍特期货的服务品牌化。The branding on service in Brilliant Futures Co.

倍特期货以创新立足。Brilliant Futures Co. is also keen on innovation.

郑州PTA期货25日早盘高开低收。Zhengzhou PTA futures 25th morning high low charge.

零。没有一个。两手空空。充满未来。零。Zero. Not even one. Hands empty. Futures full. Zero.

证券期货投资分析???????。Analysis of Securities and Futures Investement???????

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你透过边一种途径黎选择期货经纪?Through which channel do you select a futures broker?

香港是中国一部分,血脉相连,荣辱与共。We are part of China. Our futures are forever linked.

过去一周里,生猪期货价格达到了四年来的最低点。Hog futures prices hit a four-year low this past week.

期货人把期货玩,又被期货整死完。Army futuresThe futures play, futures and the dead end.

亚洲股市走低,美股期货波动起伏。Asian shares dropped and U.S. index futures fluctuated.

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期货经纪合同属于行纪合同。Futures broking contract is a type of broking contract.

亚洲股市走更高,美股期货波动。Asian shares gained while U.S. index futures fluctuated.

此门课程主在分析期货与选择权市场。This course will examine the futures and options markets.