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他们觉得别人查不到自己,所以就置责任义务于不顾。They feel invisible, so they cede responsibility.

将军允诺于一月份之前交出兵权。The General had promised to cede power by January.

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辩论者拒绝向她的对手放弃其主张。The debater refused to cede the point to her opponent.

他们必须放弃对TiVo世界的一些控制。And they'll have to cede some control to the TiVos of the world.

因此,CPS同意放弃管辖权。The CPS therefore agreed to cede jurisdiction to US authorities.

曾主张抗金,反对割地求和。Argued against king, opposed to cede territory and ask for peace.

当然,如果我们放弃这些政治目标,攻击自然将会停止。Of course the attacks will stop if we cede those political objectives.

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他们放弃权利,一厢情愿地相信自己会过得好。They cede power with the belief, however wishful, they will be better off.

美国方面不愿将法律权利交付给某种超国家权威。America was reluctant to cede any legal power to a supranational authority.

尽管如此,把美国的未来全押宝在孤星之州[得州州旗上只有一颗星——译者]身上尚为时过早。Despite all this, it still seems too early to cede America's future to the Lone Star state.

这部影片是一个失败,以及沃卓斯基兄弟表示不会放弃对艺术的控制。The film was a flop, and the Wachowski brothers vowed never to cede artistic control again.

鼠辈并非机敏动物,但在这件事上其智商在我之上倒也让我佩服。Mice are not smart animals, but I cede a grudging respect at being outwitted in this manner.

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法军在法普战争中被打败,被迫把阿尔萨斯割让给普鲁士。The French army was defeated in the Franco- Prussian War and forced to cede Alsace to Prussia.

作者并没有脱离地面,她往往像玻璃盖下的昆虫一样观察她的人物。The author does not cede the floor, observing her characters almost as insects under a glass cover.

帝国主义列强多次强迫清朝政府割地赔款。The imperialist powers repeatedly forced the Qing government to cede territory and pay indemnities.

这是当前伊朗政权最害怕的,因为到那时只能被迫选择开枪射击自己的人们,或放弃权力。That is what the regime fears most, because then it either has to shoot its own people or cede power.

许多美国人可能愿意将目光转向内部,放弃我们在世界事务中的领导作用。Many Americans may find it tempting to turn inward, and cede our claim of leadership in world affairs.

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西非国家经济共同体威胁要通过武力将巴博赶下台,如果他不把权力交给他的对手瓦塔拉。ECOWAS has threatened to remove Mr. Gbagbo by force if he does not cede power to rival Alassane Ouattara.

平板电脑象征着亚马逊极强的适应能力以及力图将未来向所有人敞开的雄心。The tablet is symbolic of Amazon’s remarkable ability to adapt and reluctance to cede the future to anyone.

1466年条顿骑士团再次被波兰人打败,并被迫向波兰割让土地,成为波兰国王的附庸。Another Polish victory in 1466 forced the knights to cede lands to Poland and become vassals of the Polish king.