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他是个初出茅庐的作家。He was a mediocre writer.

你把自己看做是一个平庸的人。You see yourself as a mediocre person.

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但你如果平庸无己,你不可能做到这些。But you cannot do this by being mediocre.

只有平庸之辈能永远处在最佳状态。Only the mediocre are always at their best.

我该庸庸碌碌过一生。I should finish life mediocre and unambitious.

如果你只有普通的技能,那就是第二个打击。If you have mediocre skills, that's strike two.

而韦德仍然是一个中距离跳投手。Wade, meanwhile, is still a mediocre jump shooter.

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当你没有得到这份工作从而继续你的平庸角色,你的定位就会再一次得到巩固。Your identity is reinforced again. You are mediocre.

那家名流聚集的餐馆的饭菜很一般。The celebrity-packed restaurant serves mediocre food.

如果您怕翻船,您的大头针将平庸。If you're afraid of capsizing, your tacks will be mediocre.

会让平庸者成功,会让懦夫,变成英雄。Those who make mediocre success, makes cowards into heroes.

他不过是一个平平庸庸的继承人而已,一个不足以大惊小怪的人物。A mediocre successor and a man not to be feared too greatly.

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在加斯比姆,一个很老的理发师给我剪了个很难看的发型。In Kasbeam, a very old barber gave me a very mediocre haircut.

“足够好了”,这就是你从一个庸才那能听到的最好的话。"Good enough" is the best you will ever get from Mediocre Man.

而且肯定的是,那些人中没有一个过平庸的生活。But guaranteed, none of those people have a mediocre existence.

总体来说,埃及的竞争力差强人意,但也不算太糟。Over all, Egypt’s competitiveness is mediocre but not terrible.

学生不应花大量的时间读拙劣的平装书。Students shouldn't spend much time reading mediocre paperbacks.

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如果我只是一名普普通通的演讲者,我可能不会成功。If I had been only a mediocre speaker I might not have taken it.

但庸才们总是能做的“足够好”,以至于刚好不会被解雇。But Mediocre Man is always just "good enough" to remain employed.

基层教练水平低下是篮球后继乏人的症结所在。The culprit of the plight is our mediocre coaches in basic levels.