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洗你那脏的有了泥条的脸去,琼尼。Wash your dirty streaky face, Johnny.

唯一的缺点是投篮时准时不准。The only issue is the streaky shooting.

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她有一双蓝色的眼睛,头上有一缕缕的金发。She has streaky fair hair and blue eyes.

他对大考总是感到放心不下的。He is always nervous and streaky about the final exam.

佛像的脸上布满乌黑色的“泪痕”,鼻子已经全部变黑。Its face is streaky with sooty tears, and its nose blackened.

避免80年代妆容的脸颊到耳朵一条线都是腮红,”她说道。"Avoid the streaky cheek-to-ears look of the '80s, " she says.

将五花肉切成薄片,豆腐切片,下入煮沸的锅中。Cut into streaky pork thin slice, bean curd slice, bottom go into boil of pot in.

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法玛尔今年的状态起伏不定,当他状态奇佳的时候,湖人看起来真的是势不可挡。Farmar has been pretty streaky this year, and when he is at his best, the Lakers look unstoppable.

涤纶复合丝织物在生产过程中很容易出现经柳病疵。In the process of producing polyester compound filament fabric, streaky warp is easy to be appeared.

磨辊互相交叉,轴向游动,可减少纵向条状疵点。Sueding rollers cross reciprocally and move in the axial direction to minimize the lengthwise streaky.

香米软饭,糖醋五花肉,椒盐土豆,荠菜豆腐羹,苹果。Rice, Sweet and sour streaky pork, Spiced salt potato, Thick bean curd soup with green vegetable, Apple.

本文研究了几种抗氧化剂对真空包装辐照熟五花肉中脂肪氧化的影响。The effects of antioxidants on lipid oxidation of vacuum packaged irradiated cooked streaky pork were studied.

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我还特别痴迷于那些金发碧眼女郎做的色彩斑斓斑点式的头发,就像小动物的鬓毛。I'm particularly fascinated by that streaky kaleidoscopic thing some blondes do that looks kind of like Hair of Fawn.

我特别惊叹于那种斑斑点点五花八门的东西,一些金发女人用了后看起来像梅花鹿的毛。I’m particularly fascinated by that streaky kaleidoscopic thing some blondes do that looks kind of like Hair of Fawn.

这就是安切诺迪脸上的表情,切尔西终于以一场不光彩的胜利结束了自己的6场无胜利的记录。That was the look on Carlo Ancelotti's face after Chelsea stopped a run of six winless games with a very streaky victory.

在这幅图像中,大部分浮油让五花云给覆盖掉了,但你可以在下方的这张特写中看到一条淡红色的条纹,那就是油迹。In this image, the slick is partially covered by streaky clouds, but reddish streaks of oil can be seen in the close-up below.

他低命中率的主要原因是他的投篮时机的选择不当,以及他越不进越投的特性。The main reason for his poor shooting percentage directly relates to his poor shot selection and the fact that he is a streaky shooter.

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对背景湍流度很大的流动,边界层中有时会产生沿展向周期分布的流向速度的条纹结构。For high levels of free-stream turbulence, streaky structures in boundary layer with the spanwise variations alternating will be generated.

线或立体枯燥比滚筒枯燥好,滚筒枯燥能够会招致'熄灭'或面料外线条不平均以及过火膨胀。Line or flat-drying is preferable to tumble-drying, which can cause 'flaming' or uneven streaky lines in the fabric as well as undue shrinkage.

点缀了黑色条纹状花瓣图案的红绸纱礼服,表达了对来访的中国领导人的敬意。The red silk organza dress, with a streaky print of black petals, invited the suggestion that the color was chosen in honor of the Chinese leader.