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俄罗斯同时也指责波兰。Russia, meanwhile, is fingering Poland.

警察秘密监视他已经有数月了。The police have been fingering him for months.

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但他们是在你面前,指法的钱包。There they are in front of you, fingering their wallets.

唯有真爱出现,它才会紧紧的套住她的手指。True love only appear, it can entangling fingering other tightly.

“没有生日”,她复述道,一边玩弄着胸口的胸针。“No birthday, ” she repeated, fingering the brooch on her breast.

唯有真爱出现,它才会紧紧的套住她的手指。True love only appear, it can entangling fingering of her tightly.

指交和其他种类的手到生殖器的接触从来就不会传染HIV!Fingering and other kinds of hand-genital contact never transmit HIV.

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“吃蓝莓馅饼是愉快的,”阿尔瓦_认真地以手指摸弄他的嘴唇说。"Eat blueberry spies is good, " says Alvah fingering his lip seriously.

在单室户的房子里,母亲坐在床头,掐着念珠。Inside the one-room house, her mother sits on the bed, fingering her prayer beads.

在存在注水井的情况下,指进是储层中相对普遍的状况。Fingering is a relatively common condition in reservoirs with water-injection wells.

警官马可-麦克罗斯基坐在自己的办公室里,舞弄着三个装满赌签的纸袋。Captain Mark McCluskey sat in his office fingering three envelopes bulging with betting slips.

一个用来练习指法的软件,在学习相对容易,且为免费的!Fingering a software used to practice in the field of learning is relatively easy, and for free!

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如果插入手指的人感染了HIV病毒并且他们的手指在流血的话也是有风险的。There might also be a risk if the person doing the fingering had HIV and their finger was bleeding.

个人认为,指法和视奏在吉他上一点也比小提琴难。Personally, I don't think that fingering or sight-reading is any harder on the guitar than on the violin.

其实有许多种解决的方法,我想在不同的场合我们需要找到最好的指法。There are many many ways round it, I think that at every occasion we need to look for the best fingering.

我踯躅于人行道上,手指拨弄着口袋中的铜币,双眼盯着书摊上的书籍。I pace the pavement, fingering the coppers in my pocket, eyeing the stall, two appetites at combat with me.

对各种不同的二维孔隙介质,给出了其分形粘滞指进的计算机模拟。The computer simulation of fractal viscous fingering have been studied to various two-dimension porous media.

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贝拉怒气冲冲的用下巴点着雷和卡贝尔,指拈弓弦,好象已经准备要拉弓开箭。Bela indicated Rem and Cabell with an angry gesture of her chin, fingering her bow as if she were ready to fire.

因此,钢琴演奏指法是钢琴演奏中不可忽视的一项重要技术内容。Fingering of playing the piano has thus become one important part that should not be ignored in playing the piano.

还有一个剃着光头、衣着宽松的人,一边读着关于佛教的书,一边用手指拨弄着念珠。There was the man with a shaved head and loose fitting clothes who read a book on Buddhism while fingering prayer beads.