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不为朝佛。Not toward the Buddha.

他对我感到有恨意。He felt hatred toward me.

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他朝门走去。He walked toward the door.

你驾车向我冲过来。You drove a car toward me.

博比向家中跑去。Bobby ran toward the house.

他慢慢地向我走来。He walked toward me slowly.

他径直朝我走来。He heads toward me directly.

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我喜欢向右走。I love walking right toward.

一根大木头正晃来晃去照着我来了。A log was swinging toward me.

他挤向那间办公室。He crushed toward the office.

我对你并不铁面无情。I don't feel hard toward you.

近黄昏时,开始起风了。The wind woke toward evening.

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他向我走过来,微笑着。He stepped toward me, smiling.

她朝河的方向走去。She is going toward the river.

应常为穷人着想。Be considerate toward the poor.

她凶猛地向他扑来。She rushed fiercely toward him.

在这个末端,printf函数?Toward the bottom here, printf?

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他全速跑向琼尼。He ran full speed toward Johnny.

他把舵将小船开往陆地。He steered the boat toward land.

这使他对她的心情软化了。It mellowed his mood toward her.