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一位探险者绳降进入到阿曼的马吉里斯尔金洞穴。An explorer descends into the Majlis al Jinn cave in Oman.

在5月份的决选举行之前,伊朗议会的力量平衡还未见分晓。The final balance of power in the Majlis will not be known until a runoff election in May.

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世界屋脊的“复式”别墅也将有一个游泳池,花园及一个阿拉伯议会。The roof of the "Penthouse" villa will also have a swimming pool, a garden and an Arabian majlis.

游客可能会发现在不同层次的外部和内部结构的不同类型的议会。Visitors may find at different levels outside and inside the structure different kinds of majlis.

伊朗选民正在参加议会选举,该选举将产生290名议会成员。Voters in Iran are taking part in elections to choose the 290 members of the legislative chambers, the Majlis.

投票前夕,议会赞扬他选择艾哈迈迪·瓦海德为国防部长,他赢得了关键支持。He won critical support on the eve of the vote when the majlis applauded his choice of defence minister, Ahmad Vahidi.

而沙库尔除了领导巴部落地区基地组织武装外,预计也将成为基地执委会委员。In addition to taking command of al Qaeda forces in the tribal areas, Abdul Shakoor is thought to have also been appointed to the Shura Majlis.

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他的提名引起骚动,但是,当瓦海德在议会发言时,议会代表高呼“打倒以色列”以表示对骚动的轻视。His nomination triggered an uproar, but the majlis signalled its defiance as deputies chanted "death to Israel" when Vahidi addressed the chamber.

的议会和佛度,以及一个9洞三杆洞球场,高尔夫学院,各种各样的餐厅和酒吧,健身房和热带游泳池。The Majlis and The Faldo, as well as a 9 hole Par 3 course, golf academy, a variety of restaurants and bars, gymnasium and tropical swimming pool.

分析人士说,务实的保守派人士能够赢得足够的席位,让艾哈迈迪内贾德在议会中面临困境,并且在明年的总统选举中对他进行挑战。Analysts say the conservative pragmatists still won enough seats to make life difficult for the president in the Majlis and to challenge him in next year's presidential election.