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人造冰属于妨碍物。Manufactured ice is an obstruction.

那条路已被清除了障碍。The road was cleared from obstruction.

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你把我的手术换成肠阻塞手术了?。You bumped me for a bowel obstruction?

喂入罗拉装置运行阻塞。Obstruction in the feed roller movement.

纵隔积气可能引起腔静脉梗阻。Pneumomediastinum may cause caval obstruction.

海浪没有阻碍物时所经过的距离。The distance traveled by waves with no obstruction.

栓塞血管中由栓子形成的障碍或闭塞。Obstruction or occlusion of a blood vessel by an embolus.

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拦截者又尽没有犹豫天将入进完备壅闭。Opponents will turn hesitation into complete obstruction.

粗纱导纱器的往复运动不灵活或振动。Obstruction or vibration in the movement of roving traverse.

本病例发生胃穿孔可能与机械阻塞有关。Mechanical obstruction might have played a role in this case.

这种非阻碍物引起的堵车叫做“幽灵塞车”。Such"phantom jams" occur when there is no obvious obstruction.

这些障碍物可能要花几周时间才能从运河中清除掉。These obstruction can take some week to clear from these canal.

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肠管可能沿著引流物疝出,导致梗阻。Bowel may herniate alongside a drain, with resulting obstruction.

胆管癌以阻塞型和闭塞型狭窄多见。The obstruction type and occlusive stenosis type were more common.

络脉瘀阻是肝癌发生发展的重要环节。Collateral stasis and obstruction is the important developing link.

术前不同程度的上腔静脉梗阻症状全部缓解。The symptoms of superior vena cava obstruction were all alleviated.

话音刚落,Swain和Apple被推搡倒在地上,并告知因袭警和妨碍公务被逮捕。They were told had been arrested on assault and obstruction charges.

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眼睑浮肿和鼻塞为IM的重要临床特点。Periorbital edema and nasal obstruction are two important features of IM.

飞机到达停机位。1,请确认飞机停留区域清洁,无障碍物。Make sure the aircraft parking area is clear of completion of obstruction.

耳垢堵塞耳道会引起轻度的听力下降。Obstruction of the ear canal by wax causes a relatively mild hearing loss.