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他是个贼头贼脑的家伙。He is a shifty fellow.

他是个稳重的人。He is a steady fellow.

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伙计,把这个家伙轰出去!Guy, hoof this fellow out!

我是他的教研员。I was his teaching fellow.

小丑,有趣的家伙?Punchinello, funny fellow?

麦卡索是一个很风趣的人。Macasso was a funny fellow.

他是同僚中的落伍者。He is a fellow straggler in.

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他是个很规矩的人。He is quite a decent fellow.

那家伙是在开玩笑。The fellow was just funning.

他是同僚中的穷光蛋。He is a fellow of the pauper.

你这家伙真幸运!What a lucky fellow you were!

他是个真正的笨伯。He is a really foolish fellow.

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他是同僚中的怪客。He is a fellow of the stranger.

他看起来像个相当正经的人。He seems quite a decent fellow.

他是一个能鼓舞人心的同道中人。He's an inspiring fellow human.

我就是你的幸运儛伴啦!I'm your fortunate fellow then.

我们再来看看另一个物体Let's look at the other fellow.

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那小不点儿会成长起来的。The little fellow will grow up.

我仍旧担任教研员。Again I was his teaching fellow.

我是好孩子格朗泰尔!I am Grantaire, the good fellow.