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再往东我们到达苦咸水。Further east we reach brackish water.

你被眼泪的盐水弄得多咸涩!Are brackish with the salt of human tears!

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这种生产方法最宜于微咸水。This kind of operation works best in brackish water.

工厂有几个浅的咸水池。The factory has several shallow pools of brackish water.

但半咸共识似乎也把学生们排除在外。But the brackish consensus also seems to leave students cold.

这片海也是世界上最大的淡盐水区域之一。It's also one of the world’s largest bodies of brackish water.

篮蚬-环棱螺组合,为淡水半咸水类群。Corbicula -Bellamya assemblage, freshwater or brackish species.

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波罗的海是世界上最大的微咸水盆地。The Baltic Sea is the largest brackish water basin in the world.

这个系统一天可以将高于600公升的盐水去盐。The system can desalinate up to 600 liters of brackish water a day.

渗析原理的应用是除半咸水中的盐。The dialysis principle can be used for demineralization of brackish water.

这是一种电气方法。当水含盐时,它最有希望。This is an electrical method, which is most promising when the water is brackish.

在那些选择之中是新水源的发展譬如微咸的水。Among those options is the development of new water resources such as brackish water.

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这种杆菌还可在咸水河流和海岸水域的环境中生存。The bacterium can also live in the environment in brackish rivers and coastal waters.

在中国官方网站上公布的照片显示,死鱼漂浮在有咸味的水上。Photos published on official Chinese websites show dead fish floating in brackish water.

无论是海水、淡水或含盐的冲洗水,本系统都应付裕如。The Super Trident will operate satisfactorily on salt, fresh or brackish flushing water.

露点蒸发淡化技术是一种新的苦咸水和海水淡化方法。Desalination by dewvaporation process is a novel brackish and seawater desalination method.

主要栖于淡水,但有的种可降入半咸水甚至咸水。Gars are confined chiefly to fresh water, though some species enter brackish or salt water.

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图片显示有咸水样的东西从火星地表下面渗出来。The images show what appears to be brackish water seeping from beneath the Martian surface.

我们的系统可应用于多个领域,包括海水、苦咸水和废水等。Our systems can be used for various applications including seawater, brackish water and waste water.

由此建立的耐盐度方程可供咸水灌溉和盐渍土改良时参考。The funcions and parameters can be used for irrigation with brackish water and amendment saline soils.