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木尔坦还因有许多苏非神殿而闻名,如背景中十四世纪的白圆顶墓。Multan is also known for its many Sufi shrines, like the 14th-century, white-domed tomb in the background.

地主法依萨·阿巴斯在木尔坦附近自家的场院训练马跳舞,他在寻求业余爱好。Dancing horses are trained by Faizal Abbas, a feudal landlord who pursues the hobby at his compound near Multan.

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上个月,巴基斯坦示威人士在木尔坦叫喊口号,以回应美国无人驾驶飞机对巴基斯坦部落地区的袭击。Pakistani protesters shout slogans in Multan last month in response to U.S. drone attacks in the Pakistani tribal region.

在印度木尔坦,胡里节期间印度教徒抛弃种族、门第、性别和年龄的观念纵情娱乐着。Members of the minority Hindu community let loose in Multan. Distinctions of race, caste, gender and age are suspended during Holi.

在印度木尔坦,胡�节期间印度教徒抛弃种族、门第、性别和年龄的观念纵情娱乐著。Members of the minority Hindu community let loose in Multan. Distinctions of race, caste, gender and age are suspended during Holi.

吉拉尼在访问巴基斯坦中心城市木尔坦时说,“这场悲剧的规模是如此巨大,很难评估。”"The magnitude of the tragedy is so immense that it is hard to assess, " said Gilani during a visit to the central Pakistani city of Multan.

地主法依萨·阿巴斯在木尔坦附近自家的场院训练马跳舞,他在寻求业余爱好。但时,对大多数旁遮普人来说,生活很艰难。Dancing horses are trained by Faizal Abbas, a feudal landlord who pursues the hobby at his compound near Multan. But life is hard for many Punjabis.

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在一场暴雨之后,巴基斯坦的中心城市木尔坦处于被淹没的状态,但是当地普遍存在的马拉汤加出租车仍在行驶,并从一个并不幸运的行人旁边通过。Prone to flooding, the central Pakistani city of Multan comes to a virtual halt after a deluge, but a ubiquitous horse-drawn tonga taxi pushes on, past a less fortunate pedestrian.

据悉,该航班上共有300名乘客,飞机是在从巴基斯坦中部城市木尔坦飞往首都伊斯兰堡的途中遭遇恶劣天气迫降的。It is reported that a total of 300 passengers on the flight, the aircraft is in the central city of Multan from Pakistan's capital Islamabad on the way to fly in bad weather landing.

木尔坦棉花曲叶病毒是引起巴基斯坦和印度棉花曲叶病流行的主要病原之一,是由烟粉虱以持久方式传播。Cotton leaf curl Multan virus is one of main pathogens that has caused severe cotton leaf disease in Pakistan and India. The disease is transmitted by the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci Genn.

粉碎了金帐汉国以后,帖木儿席卷波斯,占领巴格达,强行穿过开伯尔山口进入印度,突袭木尔坦和密拉特,劫掠德里。After crushing the golden horde tamerlane swept down into persia capturing baghdad and pressing on through the khyber pass into india. there he stormed multan and meerut and sacked delhi.