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对他那个年纪的孩子来说,他拿的东西真是太多了。He carried quite a goodish things for a boy of his age.

他们的办公大楼离地铁站很长一段距离。Their office building was a goodish distance from the subway station.

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投资中国虽然差强人意,但暂时还没有别的最安全的选择。Although investment China is goodish , but still do not have temporarily other the safest choice.

这个数字看似令人艳羡,但是仔细分析,却发现实则差强人意。This number looks be like Ling Renyan to admire, but anatomize, discover actually is goodish however.

SEO前景是美好的,过程是单调的,收入是差强人意的,精力消耗是巨大的。SEO foreground is good, the process is drab, income is goodish , it is tremendous that energy is used up.

对于第一届度谷SEO大赛百度组第一的我们来说,现在的排名确实够差强人意的。Spend first of group of Baidu of cereal SEO contest to the first for us, current rank is really enough goodish.

汉兹伸出下巴审视了它一会,又用手试了试刀尖,然后急忙把它藏在上衣内侧,然后又爬回墙旁的老地方。I placed my palms against the mainmast, which was of a goodish bigness, and waited, every nerve upon the stretch.

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我抱住相当粗的主桅等着,每一根神经都绷紧了。I placed my palms against the main-mast, which was of a goodish bigness, and waited, every nerve upon the stretch.

辛亥起义之所以能在武昌打响第一枪并取得胜利,武汉地区的革命舆论宣传在其中起到了催生的作用。The partisan of Revolution of 1911 put to use a lot of goodish strategy methods when they got on consensus propagandas.

本公司现已在国内外形成了一定规模的销售网络,在同行业中享有较高盛誉。Nowadays our company has formed goodish scale marketing network both at home and abroad, and enjoys a good reputation of a trade.

他承认对于是否能在斯坦福桥取得有利的结果,他感到了压力。He did concede under pressure that if Liverpool were to get a goodish result at Stamford Bridge that they could have an advantage.

也许在寂寞的时候,可以接受一个差强人意的男人,但是对方至少要能给你温暖和友谊。Perhaps be in doleful when, can accept a goodish man, but the other side wants to be able to give you warmth and companionship at least.

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在与第三季度的对比中,营收、营收增幅、运营利润关键指标的表现差强人意。In the contrast with the 3rd quarter, battalion closes, the expression that battalion receives quota of key of profit of amplitude, operation is goodish.

而雅虎邮件将取代AOL现在差强人意的邮件服务,其邮箱业务竞争力将进一步提升,在降低费用的同时扩大用户群。And Yahoo mail will replace AOL at present goodish mail serves, competition ability of its mailbox business will promote further, reducing cost while enlarge an user group.

经过多年发展,本厂以其雄厚的技术实力和业界领先的制造工艺,迅速成长为揭阳地区颇具知名度的不锈钢制品生产企业。After many years of development, our factory is growing into a goodish famous manufacturing enterprise in Jieyang City with rich technological strength and leading craft of manufacturing.